Short 6 - A Special Present For a Special Pianist

Start from the beginning

"I'm just smart like that." she puts a finger to her noggin. Akamatsu rolled her eyes in response. "I'm just kidding. If you're inviting someone like Shinguji, I'm sure you'd invite Saihara. He's like, Kaito's sidekick." she pointed out.

"Yea.. Saihara's my friend, so of course I'm gonna invite him!" she said with confidence. "He's in most of your classes, right? How is he?"

"Yea, I have classes with him in the morning and afternoon. I don't really pay attention to him. I assume he's fine though, why?"

"Just curious!" she said quickly.

Harukawa put an eyebrow up in suspicion, but she didn't ask.

Akamatsu laughed awkwardly and tried to change the topic. "Um, can you invite Momota for me? I'll invite everyone else tomorrow."

Her roommate nodded as she got out her phone. 

MakiRoll: hey, Akamatsu is having a bday party tmrw. Wanna come?

Kaito (idiot): YRS

Kaito (idiot): Yes* sorry got excited.

MakiRoll: whats got you excited

Kaito (idiot): To see you, duh. Also, perfect opportunity to get Shuichi and Akamatsu together.

MakiRoll: oh yea, akamatsu was talking about him earlier. 

Kaito (idiot): How oblivious do they gotta be to their love for each other? Its almost pathetic...

MakiRoll: you took 3 years to ask me out

Kaito (idiot): w

Kaito (idiot): Why u gotta do me like that

MakiRoll: dont be such a baby.

Kaito (idiot): Well, I know u love me so all is forgiven.

Maki Roll: Do you wanna die?

Maki Roll: not that it isnt true tho

Kaito (idiot): ❤️

The next day, Akamatsu invited everyone to her party later. Though it was so short notice, they all agreed. If at least one person declined, she would've scheduled it for tomorrow but luckily everyone so far could go. It wasn't much of a party, more like a get together. The most they had to offer were some chips and punch. Everyone that she wanted to invite were in her classes so she didn't have to chase them all over campus. They all agreed at meeting up at 5:00 PM and it was a weekend so they could hang out as long as they wanted!

Final period came and the only person she needed to ask was Saihara. Unfortunately, he had only one class shared with her. She was a little late so she couldn't ask him as soon as she got there. She took a seat and got our her laptop started typing notes.

After class, Saihara swiftly walked out. The pianist's eyes widened as she saw how fast the boy walked out, it was almost like he was avoiding her! She ran out as well, and unfortunately, he was already gone. She pouted in disappointment, why was he running off so fast? Suddenly, someone put a hand on her shoulder making her instantly turn around.


He smirked when she finally caught sight of the astronaut-in-training. "Yo, Akamatsu!"

"Oh, hey!" she smiled at him. "What's up?"

"Were you trying to get Shuichi?" he asked her.

"Oh, um.. Yea." she responds with an awkward laugh. "I was gonna invite him to my birthday party, but he left too quickly."

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