Dawn of Despair - Chapter 33

Start from the beginning

I laughed in response. "Not like Mr. Harada would care."

There was definitely awkward tension between us as he wrote down his notes. None of us said anything while Rantaro copied my notes.. I strike up my main point before this silence prevails any longer. "Anyways, I invited you here because I wanted to ask you something."

He didn't look up as he continued copying my notes. "What is it?"

"Why did you break up with me?"

It took some time for him to respond. He stopped writing as he began talking. "Well, that was out of nowhere. It's pretty complicated. If I get comfortable, I'll tell you."

I looked at him a little too angrily, raised my voice a little too much. "Don't you think I deserve it after what you did to me? Can't I at least get proper closure?!"

He finally put down his pencil and gave me a sympathetic look. He placed his elbow on the table and leaned on his hand. "I was trying to make you not worry about me."

"Eh?" I gave a confused expression. What does he mean by that?

"Something happened and uh.. I decided to go on multiple adventures and skip out school." he sighed. "I wouldn't be able to see you at all so I decided to cut ties. I didn't really mean what I said back then. I never really apologized about it yet, but I'm sorry."

My eyes widened as I gave him an agressive glare. "That's stupid, Rantaro!" he gave a shocked look as I yelled at him. "Even if you had gone away, I would've supported you all the way! A long distance relationship wouldn't effect us," a tear formed in my eye, "but you ruined it. So, I've lost feelings for you. You ended our relationship."

He put a hand to my shoulder and I looked into his eyes. He wiped my tear away as he opened his mouth to say something. "..I'm sorry. That's really all I can say."

That's it? That's all he can get out?

I almost wanted to hit him, but I stopped myself. I sighed as I shook his hand off. I promised Shuichi that I would make things up with him. I don't want us to be enemies forever. "It's okay. I just want us to be friends. If we can hang out more, I think I'll learn to forgive you." I gave a gentle smile.

He gave a smile back as he laughed. "I'm glad. I pretty much screwed everything up, but I'm glad that you'll try to be my friend again."

"Can we call each other by our last names again? I want to start as friends, and not as past lovers." I tell him with an awkward laugh.

"Oh sure, Akamatsu." 

"Alright!" I pump my hands up. "You better do a good job redeeming yourself to me, Amami!"

"I'll try." he chuckled as he continued copying my notes. 

We had a few conversations, had a few laughs together. I heard a few stories from his adventures, and I realized I never really appreciated his adventurer skills. 

 He stretched as he finally finished copying my notes. "Dang, I missed a lot. Good thing academics don't really matter in this school."

"Yea! Though, Shuichi still helps me a bunch before tests."

"Oh? You have a first name basis with Saihara?" he asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh shoot, I totally forgot to tell you!" I slapped my forehead as I give an embarrassed blush. "I'm going out with Shuichi now." That should've been the first thing to tell him, to be honest.

His eyes widened but then he let out a smile. "Oh, congrats to you two! I'm glad you're moving on from me."

"Thanks!" I smile at him. I thought he would get angry, but he seems fine with it. It looks like we both moved on from each other, I'm glad. 

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