"I'm here"

"Oh, hello, Shirogane-san"

"Here's the letter, now go ask him before it's too late"

"Uhm, O-Okay"

"Go, go, go!"

Shuichi P.O.V

After Tsumugi just pushed me out of her sight. I ran to Kokichi.

"Hey, Oma-kun"

"Hi, Saihara-kun"

"Here, for you"

I handed him the letter.

"hmm. No, sorry"


"giggles, you're so silly, Saihara-kun"


"Of course I'll go with you to Prom"

"You will"



"H-Hey Oma-kun, you look nice"

Shuichi didn't know what to say. He was in a trance.

"Heyyy, Shuichi, Shuuiiichi?"

"Huh? Sorry Oma-kun"

"It's okay"

Once we opened the gymnasium's doors, it was very loud. 

"Hey, Oma-kun. Did Kiibo ask you out earlier, or ever, rather"

"Um, no. Why?"

"Shirogane-san told me that Kiibo wanted to ask you out to Prom"

"Well that's Shirogane-san for you. I'm guessing she only said that to motivate you"


"Anyways, what now?"

"Um, want to dance?"

"Ohh~ Mister detective wants to dance with me"

"Um, yes. That's why I asked you out, Oma-kun"

"Okay, let's dance then"

Kokichi and I started to dance simultaneously and eventually everyone else started to dance with their dates as well. We spotted Iruma-san with Akamatsu-san and Amami-kun with Kiibo. Shirogane-san and Yonaga-san  were looking at us the whole time. Yumeno-san was sleeping on Chabashira-san's lap. Momota-kun and Harukawa-san were dancing together as well.

~Late at Night~

"That was fun, Saihara-kun"

"It was? I'm glad you enjoyed the dance"

"So, what now?"

"Um, want me to give you a ride home?"

"Nah, can I stay at your place?"

"Um, sure"

"yay! Come on let's get moving"

Once Shuichi and Kokichi hopped in the car they drove off to Shuichi's house.

"Hey, Saihara-kun."

"Yes, Oma-kun?"

"What do you want to do once we get to your house, Saihara-kun?"

"I don't know, what do you want to do?"

"That's why I was asking you, dummy!"

"Oh. Sorry."

"It's ok, Shumai. I didn't mean to be rude"

"it's ok Oma-kun, and what's with the new nickname?"

"Because why not, do you not like it?"

"No, I'm fine with it"

"Ok, good. You better"


"Oh, I'm just playing Saihara-kun!"



"What now?"

"I don't know"

"Oh, we're here"

"yay! We finally made it"

Shuichi just lightly chuckled at Kokichi's childish comment. Once the two boys got inside the house Shuichi asked if Kokichi wanted dinner.  Kokichi agreed to have dinner at Shuichi's house. Shuichi started making dinner while Kokichi sat on the couch. Later that night Kokichi decided that he would like to stay at Shuichi's house. Shuichi agreed, and they had trouble figuring out who sleeps where.

"I'll sleep on the couch"

"No, I will, Shumai"

"No, please take the bed"

"No, I'll take the couch"

"Then let's both take the bed"

"Ehh? Us? Um, ok"

 Shuichi and Kokichi both hopped into the bed and went to sleep.

Thanks for reading this chapter. This oneshot was kind of rushed. Anyways, please go check out my new book! I'll make sure to make the next chapter exciting or interesting to read, I guess. I hope you have a good day/afternoon/night! -💙💜

Word Count: 1015

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