{flustered: xiaoyang}

Start from the beginning

"you got all of that?" xiaojun asked with a surprised look at the younger.

yangyang nodded. "i've done a coffee run for ten hyung before. by this point, i've made my own strategy." he smiled at xiaojun. "if that's all, i think we'll be going."


xiaojun and the maknae sat on the couch, watching a male lead with a terrible but predictable personality confess his love to the female lead.

"oh, boo! she should have ended up with min-jun!" xiaojun protested.

"is it because he's the sad second male lead?" yangyang asked with a smirk. he poked xiaojun in the side teasingly.

"no, stop making fun of me," he whined.

"aww," yangyang said with a pout. "you'd make a good sad male lead, though." he smiled at the older, who turned to meet his eyes.

"only if you're the second male lead who also happens to be my character's best friend," xiaojun said.

yangyang let out a light chuckle. best friend. that's all he was to xiaojun. why did it make his heart hurt upon hearing those words? he didn't even realize he was still looking at xiaojun or frowning until the older spoke again.

"what?" xiaojun asked with a chuckle. "why are you looking at me like that?"

"what?" yangyang asked, blinking back to reality.

"you started spacing out or something, and you were looking at me like the sad male lead." yangyang scrunched his nose up, hitting xiaojun's shoulder. xiaojun laughed at the younger. "but seriously, what's up?"

yangyang shrugged, not exactly sure. he realized that xiaojun was always there when no one else was. even today, willing to do stuff with him when no one else would. he laid his head back on the older's shoulder. "thanks for hanging out with me today," he said, comfortable in the position he was in.

"you know i would any time. but what's bothering you?" xiaojun asked, stroking his hair.

how was he supposed to tell him? how could he describe these weird feelings that made him panic every time he was asked about them?

"you're being awfully cuddly today," xiaojun said. "not that i mind it, but..." yangyang pawed at the side of xiaojun's face as he felt his cheeks heat up, pushing himself away from the older.

"dejun..." he whined.

"what?" the older asked with a laugh. "it's cute."

there it goes again. that flustered feeling returned, making butterflies stir in his stomach. "don't say that," he half warned.

"or what, you'll hit me in the face again?" xiaojun asked, making yangyang's cheeks heat up out of embarrassment.

"that was an accident. i didn't mean to hit you that hard," he said.

"i know. you couldn't hurt me on purpose if you tried." xiaojun gave him a sincere smile and ruffled his hair before his expression switched to one of concern. "you're not sick, are you? your face is pretty red."

this only made yangyang's blush deepen before he looked away from the older. "no, i-i'm fine."

"did your confidence suddenly disappear?" xiaojun joked.

yangyang groaned and buried his face in xiaojun's shoulder, mumbling something into his shirt. of course his best friend asked him to repeat it. "you make me feel all weird and i get butterflies whenever i'm around you, so whenever you said something that was even a little bit romantic, i panicked and hit you because i like you and i don't know what to do with that," he said, forcing himself to sit up again. xiaojun smiled at him, making him furrow his brow. "what?"

"you. with your panicking and trying to hide your feelings... it's stupid, but it's also really cute," he admitted. "you're a cute idiot."

"i'm not joking," yangyang said.

"i know. i'm not either." next thing he knew, the older was leaning forward and a pair of soft lips were on his own. he leaned into the kiss, blissfully taking everything in, from the feeling of their lips against each other's to the older's hand on his cheek, slowly moving to the back of his neck. "i like you too," he said when they pulled away.

yangyang was powerless to do anything but smile. xiaojun then leaned in for a second kiss. someone walked into the living room and stopped, then turned away toward their room. "guess i'll just go watch a movie on my laptop," hendery's voice said.

he smiled into the kiss before they pulled away once more. "we should do this more often," he said.

"why, because we get the tv to ourselves?" xiaojun asked.

"yes," yangyang replied, leaning his head back on xiaojun's shoulder. the older put an arm around him, leaning his head on the younger's. even after he admitted his feelings, he could still make yangyang blush. and he didn't want the feeling to go away.

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