Chapter 8

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Everything with Beast has been going great! The sex is fucking amazing but just spending time with him is the best. It's Thursday and he will be busy from today until Sunday so I can't see him which sucks but Mrs.Liz or Mama Liz as the club calls her,she is Tanks mom, has asked me if I can help her out today.

Mama Liz owns a daycare ran by the club it's called Cubs🐾 super cute and a bunch of the members kids go there and non members kids go there. I love kids so I agreed to help out for the day.

I have been here for two hours and have been having a blast,the kids are full of energy and so sweet. I'm taking a break when I see a little boy about 4 off to the side playing by himself. He looks sad and none of the other kids wanna play with him so I decide to go keep him company.

I walk over and squat to his level "Hi sweetheart" smiling softly at him. He looks up and blinks at me "Hi" he whispered out. He looks so shy. "What are you playing"still talking softly to him "Motorcycles" he still whispered "You like motorcycles?" I ask."Yes ma'am my daddy has one and I love riding with him and watching him work on it" he says louder and with more excitement.

I can't help but to chuckle at him,his cute little face flushed red when he heard me."Really! My husband has a bike too a big one and I have only been on it twice but I love it!" I say happily and smiling at him. He looks at me in awe when I offer to play with him.

We play for the rest of the day before a woman steps into the room barely covered and her makeup smeared. "There you are you little brat" she grab Jace,I found out his name while playing,by the arm. He looked scared and whimpered out."Excuse me but who are you" I ask with more venom in my voice that I have ever heard.

"I'm Nora his mother" she spits out. "I thought daddy was coming to get me" Jace whispered out with his head down. "Change of plans" is all she says before signing him out and leaving. How can such a sweet boy come from that? I hope whoever his father is treats him better.

It's almost closing time so I'm cleaning up and about to head back into the main room when I hear a familiar voice ask Mama Liz where Jace is."Nora came and got him" she tells him,"She knew it was my turn to pick him up as it's my damn weekend with him" his voice booms out in the room."Beast calm down" Mama Liz says softly."Calm down! How can I calm down when the bitch took my son knowing it was my turn" he roars out and turns to leave.

I'm frozen in the hall,his son? But he has been divorced for 6 years and his son is 4? That woman was dressed like one of the sluts at the clubhouse that all the guys use but that would mean that he fucked one without a condom on!

He lied to me,to my face not once but twice! I asked him if there was anything I should know,I told him no secrets. This,a kid I should fucking know about! I trusted him,and he lied. I told him of my past and he just threw my trust and feelings away.

Turning around to leave Beast sees me and stops, his eyes wide and panic on his handsome face. "Beauty what are you doing here" he asks.
"Mama Liz asked if I could help out today" I whispered out with my head down. "Beauty look at me" he asks softly. I shake my head no,tears pulling in my eyes "Baby please look at me" he pleads. "I can't" I choke out, a lump forms in my throat. I hear him walking to me and I take a step back, he sees this and freezes his breath hitches.

"Baby please don't do this!" He croaked. "You lied to me Aiden" I yell out,he takes another step forward and reaches out to me but I back up and raise my hand "Don't you fucking touch me! I sob,he looks pained,you can see guilt and regret painted across his face.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me! I told you about my past,details nobody else knows! I asked you if you had anything that I should know and you told me no." I sob with tears running down my face. " I said no secrets, you lied to my face twice! Not once but twice!" I scream out.

"Baby please" Aiden begs me, shaking my head no "I'm sorry Aiden but I can't do this, I put my trust in you and you broke it." "Please baby please! I can't lose you,your my everything please" Aiden is on his knees begging. Shaking my head I turn and walk out the door,running to my Jeep I jump in and as I'm backing out and pulling away,Tank,Rage,Bear,Reaper and Dagger pull up and Beast runs out yelling "Beauty!".

Mama Liz must of called them. I could care less I'm hurt,so fucking hurt. He has a child with a club whore and didn't tell me,nobody told me. I feel so stupid. What did I expect trusting a damn biker!

Getting home I get my spare key that I had hidden and bring it in,locking my door I slide down it when I hear the roar of bikes pull up outside and I sob gut wrenching sobs while on the floor in front of the door. Banging starts up and I can feel the vibration "Baby" Aiden yells and knocks louder, I can hear Tank talking to him "Beast give her some time" "I don't have fucking time! My woman is a fucking mess brother and I can't fucking help her" Beast roars,"Who's fucking fault is that Beast? You lied to her,she just found out you have a kid. You fucked up brother" Tank hisses out.

"You don't think I fucking know that" Beast booms, "Go home Beast,NOW" Tank orders. I hear two bikes roar to life and then nothing. About two minutes later I hear a soft knock "Sweetness I'm sorry,if you want to talk you have my number,call day or night. I'm leaving Dagger on watch." "We love you sweetness" then I hear bikes come to life outside once more.

I been against my front door for hours and I'm all cried out. I know what I have to do but it hurts so damn much. Picking up my phone I make the call."Miles I need a favor."

I have one thing on my mind.


Beast POV

I can't believe I fucked everything up,why didn't I fucking tell her? After my divorce I did nothing but drink and fuck,god did I fuck, then I made the woman mistake with the new club whore at the time and forgot a damn condom. Do I regret sleeping with her? Yes! Do I regret my son? No! He gives me something to live for,Jace is the best thing to happen to me besides my Beauty and this club.

Jace is such a good kid,he has such a soft heart and is so kind hearted it's unreal.Then I met Beauty and thought she would make a great mother, someone he needs because his isn't worth shit,she only wants drugs and dick. Hell I'm clean but can't get fucking custody because our lawyer is shit at them but good at everything else. But why didn't I tucking tell her about my son? Hell I don't know,I think it's because I didn't want to share her right now.

I been sitting here at the clubhouse thinking and listening,my brothers around me. The music is going and it's a party just like every night,we are having a great time until the door bangs open and a man standing 6'1 wearing a tailored suit walks in like he owns the damn place. He walks to the bar and asks Whiskey something,Whiskey points to me and the guy nods his thanks. Why do I get the feeling of dread in my stomach.

He gets to our table "Aiden James" he asks, I nod as the table goes quite, he hands me a envelope and as I take it he says "You have been served" he jaw clenched and he turns walking out the same way. They guys watching me as I open it and the air leaves my lungs, my heart crushed,tears gather in my eyes.

"No,No,No this can't be happening!" Shaking my head I drop the papers. I can't fucking breath,my chest constricts,I have black spots,why can't I fucking breath?

"Doc get over here" someone bellows over the music.
"Beast can you hear me?" "What's wrong with him Doc?" Someone asks "He is having a panic attack!" Doc yells.

I can barely hear Doc ask what caused it as I'm passing out, right before everything goes black I hear a curse and breath hitch before Tank says the one word I never wanted to hear.


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