chapter 13 :sabiqa left us broken

Start from the beginning

Ray: thank you Sabiqa , we will surely complete this story together okay..

Sabiqa : Yes habibty , Allah knows best , good night

Ray : good night

Contractions in the lungs and chest area , coldness of the limbs .. stiffness of the bones. Uneasiness in breathing , choking on saliva and intensified cough coming from sabiqa's side of the room .
In this state , she didn't want to disturb anyone's sleep so she tried to control it . Again the contractions intensified , this time her bedside lamp fell with shattered pieces of glass all over the cold floor . Amina rushed to get some water as Rayan help her sit. Her body became numb and she couldn't even take the water Amina offered out of courtesy and empathy .

Look for help , she needs medical attention ! Ray screamed as tears run down her cheeks ...

Emergency ! Emergency ! Amina yelled on top of her voice , help ! Help !

The female guards rushed to her ?

What is it ? Are you okay !

Amina pointed to their room and collapsed of the hard floor , quivering in shock!

Swiftly , Sabiqa was rushed to the general hospital .
Ray paced back and forth at the waiting lounge praying her friends get better ....

Ray: Mama Ayi , Aunt Raudah and Nafisa Come to the hospital after some time . We were all sad for Sabiqa but we tried to hold unto the last string of hope , assuring ourselves our little angel shall be fine again . Nuur together with aunty jami were at the clinic waiting for Amina to regain consciousness. Today is just a dark day...
Yaa Jabar restore us !

An hour later , the doctor asked Mama Ayi and Aunty Raudah to see him in his office. The look on his face told me something was wrong but i ditched that thought because i didn't want to loose hope..

Dr: Nabil : I must commend your team for an outstanding first aid which sustained the lady for sometime . Most sickle cell patients do not make it this far . Sabiqa has been a fighter with an unyielding desire to beat her ailment till the end . I know sickle patients who died at birth , some after two and some before they were given birth to . Allah is the one who gives and take life . It's quite unfortunate you are finding out this way . My team and i have tried our best but like it has always been , Allah is the Healer .
Do accept my condolences , sabiqa is no more and i believe she is in the best place . We love her but Allah loves her the most .


This news , has shattered a million hearts , leaving Daru Salam in a plaque of silence for some days . Not only the Members of Khadija bint Khuwaylid , everyone was in a mourning realm. This was an uneasy phase the girls has to go through.

Just like that , Sabiqa left us !
None of us saw this coming . For one or two reasons her last words that night sounded like a good bye but i had Hope she will be fine again . It's true when The Qur'an said every soul shall taste death but none of us know when that will be. The ever cheerful parrot has left us broken . In as much us our heartbreak shall take time to heal , we will never forget the wonderful person that she was .
Today , at this very point , let's all make a promise to fight for Jannah , where we can have our happily ever after because our happiness will not be complete without Sabiqa in it .she was our
Ambitious fighter
Beauty with brains
Immaculate at heart
Queen of empathy
Adorable she has and will always be.....

How do we all come to terms with sabiqa's demise ? How do we all learn to live without her ?
I will tell you how !
Sabiqa was a fighter !
In pain , she will offer her shoulder to comfort others
In despair , she will battle resentment with prayer
In the darkness of the night , when everyone else sleeps , she will pray for each one of us because she called us family ...
Just like Sabiqa , we can be fighters too , and that will heal us !

Life and death is a mystery no one can explain because we all do not know when the climax will be for they both happen by the command of Al-Azeez
I have known sabiqa the longest and i still remember the day we met . Little did i know the girl i grew up with shall not be there in a future we called beautiful but i do believe that , Allah's plan is the best for us and our beloved friend is in the best of places. Dear sabiqa , we will meet you in the highest rank of Jannah In shaa Allah.

Aunty Raudah
I just wanted to add that , you are all amazing souls and i am glad you all believe it's Allah's way of making things better in our lives. Time flies so do people change. The young becomes old , the strong becomes feeble and the living shall also leave one-day. May Allah forgive departed Muslims and guide our ways to His Jannah.

Mama Ayi
Let's all await Allah's restoration with patience for the best is yet to come. As her name implies , i believe she is a winner too and we shall all meet her someday , in Jannah .
Not only her but Furqan and Ruhaima too whom we lost some time back , In shaa Allah . Live good , eat good and strive for the best ! work hard but do take rest when you get tired . I am just a call away if you need a listening ear . Fhee amanillah.

Amiin they all chorused....

And their journey to freedom begins now .....................


I believe this was worth the wait ...
I know you all are gonna miss sabiqa , i will too but Allah shall restore us..

Don't forget to love yourself
And share💫💜
Marimad loves you!

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