Shouto still wanted to ask, but another time.

Now his first thought was the sports festival. That was the most important thing. For his career, and for himself.

And it was going to remain that way.

...or at least it was supposed to.


The presence of so many people in one place made you nervous. You couldn't explain why.

Especially when the majority were looking in your direction.

All those eyes, focused on you. On your every move, every reaction. Everything you did, they would notice. Keep it inside a little part of their brain for who knows how long.

It made you anxious.

You never let it show though. Kept it all inside, to not bother anyone. They weren't going to care anyway.

As you entered the arena along with all the other first year classes, your eyes fell on the purple-haired boy from class 1C, while a small smile made its way on your lips as he slowly nodded when he spotted you.

After Present Mic made the introductions, the hero you recognized as Midnight started talking.

"Okay kids, for tradition, I will be having one of you pledge before the fun begins. Bakugou Katsuki from class 1A, please come forward!"

You looked in Bakugous direction. Looking unbothered, he went in Midnights place, in front of the microphone.

"I pledge... that I will be number one"

"Pffft—" you couldn't help but let a laugh escape your mouth.

"Bakugou, how could you say such infantile words? It was very unprofessional" Iida said as Bakugou was making his way to the rest of the class.

He glared at you and Kirishima who were still laughing, but you ignored him completely.

"Well, now that that was taken care of, I will announce the rules for the first round!" Midnight broke the silence. "It will be an obstacle race! All classes will be racing at the same time, but only the first 42 will advance into the second round!"

After you all went to your positions, Midnight swung her flag, and the first round began.

It was annoying as fuck.

Before the race even began, you had to run through a tunnel.

Pretty easy, right?


The problem was that you were all in the same tunnel -so it was cramped as hell, and you could barely breathe.

Todoroki even froze the ground, along with some students^ feet. However, you were faster than that and didn't fall for it, stopping time just before he froze the ground.

You and Todoroki exited the tunnel first, with Bakugou and Midoriya close behind. Shortly after, others were making their way out as well.

Then came the next obstacle -the 0-point robots from the entrance exams.

You all started fighting them. They were just like you remembered, somehow even more annoying now that you had to actually destroy them to be able to run forward.

You were almost hit by one, but it was frozen by Todoroki before it got the chance to touch you.

After you finally escaped the robots, Bakugou and Midoriya fully caught up, both claiming that they would win no matter what.

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