"Bless you" Todoroki said as he got up.

"You'd better get your ass home. Tomorrow we have to get up early" Bakugou added as he was making his way towards his house.

"Oh, are you worried about us, Katsuki?" you smirked at him.

"Shut up and get the fuck home! And don't call me by my first name!" he added while disappearing into the living room.

You turned your attention to Todoroki. "Im sorry. I didn't say anything weird while I was asleep, did I?"

You had a weird habit of talking in your sleep. You sometimes said the weirdest things and you wanted to make sure you didn't embarrass yourself.

He shook his head. "No. And it's ok"

He helped you get up and after saying goodbye to Bakugous mother -who was yelling at him for not letting her know that you were leaving- you started walking home.

Todoroki's house was in the opposite direction from yours, so you headed your own ways.


The sky was dark, a few stars showing up here and there.

Due to the city lights, there were barely any that could be fully seen, but you liked it anyway. Looking at the sky gave you comfort.

You liked to think that at all times, your adoptive father, Akira, was watching you from above, guiding you to make the right decisions.

He always used to take you stargazing when you were little -tell you stories about how the stars and planets and everything had come to existence billions of years ago.

You never really understood them, but you had loved everything the sky had to show since.

Well, those were really just storied Yui-san had told you.

If you were honest, the only thing you actually remembered was the comforting feeling stargazing gave you.

You didn't remember Akira's face, or his voice, or the stories he used to tell you, or the place he used to take you to admire the sky together. Nothing.

You had gotten used to it though.

All those memories you didn't have anymore -they didn't mean that much to you. Mostly because you had no idea what most of them were, so you didn't know what you had lost.

Sometimes though, you wished you remembered everything -the good and the bad.

What your childhood was like, what kind of person you were. Yui-san had told you that you were cheerful, happy, always with a smile on your face, seeing the good in all things.

You didn't have many friends -well, you never did- but you were nice to everyone.

Then, that happened.

It changed you. The light in your eyes was mostly gone, and so was your cheerful personality. You became quieter, more reserved. Yui-san always said that.

Sometimes, the way she said it made it seem like she liked the old you better. That she thought her daughter was long gone.

That sometimes hurt. It made you think badly of yourself.

Because you were still there. That was still you. Everyone changes, whether its natural or caused something.

But you never told anyone about it -about anything actually. Kept it to yourself, to not bother them. No one cared, anyway.

You didn't need anyone to reassure you of anything. You could handle it alone. You always have.


These two weeks had passed quite fast for Shouto. He was glad to be away from his father 12 hours a day.

That was only one of the best parts though.

He was surprised to have liked the time he spent with you and Bakugou. You were both strong, and he enjoyed training with you.

He never expected to interact much with people once he came to UA.

He had never really interacted much with anyone.

Never really got to make friends, form bonds with anyone, because of his fathers methods.

Well, he used to have one friend when he was little.


But that was long gone. It was in the past. You were both different people now.

And his priority wasn't making friends. It was becoming the number 1 hero.

You were now just classmates, maybe acquaintances. He didn't want to get any closer than that.

But he wanted to confirm a few things that were causing a small weight to be on his chest at all times. And by asking you if you remembered him or not, he would get most of it off.

If you didn't, he would just leave you alone and not say anything anymore.

If you did remember though, there were a few questions he wanted to ask. Like 'why didn't you say anything?' or 'what have you been up to?'.

There were also ones like 'what made you change so much?', but he couldn't ask that. What if it was a sensitive subject? He didn't want to make you uncomfortable.

All of that came after the sports festival though.

Now, that was the most important.


The sun rose on the sky, and the birds started singing.

Your alarm clock went off, and as you stopped it and got up, you realized what today was.

Let the sports festival begin.

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