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    Imagine this:

     It's Halloween and you're five years old. You're waddling outside the fresh November air in a costume that your mother put together last minute. The other children are dressed as warriors and pirates. Knights in  shinning armour and majestic princesses.

     You, are a ghost.

     You're costumes made out of old blankets and pillow cases and drags beneath your feet when you walk. You're following behind all the big kids as they chatter excitedly at each other. You're trying to keep up but your knees are bleeding from falling over too many times and you're trying really hard not to cry. You decide to tell Stacy -the thirteen year old girl who lives opposite you- that you want to go home. She roles her purple painted eyes and huffs. "Fine."

     She walks you home half way. "You know the rest of the way home from here, right?" Then runs off to join her friends.

     You eventually find your house. It's the big bright red one sat on top of a hill at the end of the road. You know your mother will be angry that you walked home alone. Stacy promised her she would look after you tonight. But Stacy never really was very good at keeping her promises.

     You waddle up the steps to the front door, your costume dragging behind you like a vale.

     But suddenly. You stop.

     There are loud voices coming from inside the house. Angry, vociferous shouting that sounds  like the oceans currents  and heavy, blaring thunderstorms.

     The door creaks open and reveals two figures standing amidst the centre of the hall. They're shouting at each other. Throwing venomous words and curses that you are familiar with. The local teenagers use them too often and you've memorised each of them in your head but daren't say them out loud.

     The shouting gets louder. It hurts your ears and you want to turn away and run but your feet are stuck to the ground. You cannot move. Cannot  escape. So you are made to watch.

    There's a woman dressed in a beautiful crème gown. Her fair hair cascading  down her back in waves. She looked like someone who had walked out of a fairy tale.

     In front of her stood a tall and lean man with electric blue eyes, and a suit made of silk. He might have been her prince, once upon a time.

     But  now, he looks like an angry fire breathing dragon.

     They are now inching closer. Head to head. Chests almost touching. She screams at him and he roars back. And for a split second, you think you see fire blaring out of his nose.

     Your ears are suddenly inflicted by the intact of broken glass and a long, piercing scream. Your hands instantly go up to your ears  and you closed your eyes so frightfully tight, so fast, so urgently, trying to get that ghastly image out of your head.

     The dragon ran towards her and carried her lifeless form in its arms. Red blood dripped off her body and stained its clothes in great clumps. It let out an animalistic scream. And another, and another until your ears started to ring.

    It shook her, "Wake up!" it roared into the empty hallway, "Susannah wake the fuck up! Susannah," it whispered with tears in its eyes and its whole entire body shaking, "Please."

     It brought her limp head and slammed it against its chest, rocking her back and forth, continuously whispering, "Im sorry, im so, so, sorry."

     You feel your pulse beating in at your ears drums. You hear your breath raggedly moving in and out of your mouth at short, gasping intervals.  You want to claw your eyes out to rid off the disturbing image. To scream until your throat burnt and set on fire and everything inside of you burst to flames.

     "Mummy," you whispered. You're voice drifting off into the darkness like a forgotten prayer. You lost a little piece of yourself that night.

     The world that once had colour fades to white and grey and black.

     Imagine that.

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So this is the first proper story I've ever written and I can't help but  feel incredibly nervous yet incredibly excited about posting it on Wattpad. Let me know what you think :)


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