~Finally Here~

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As soon as the bus stopped and the teacher told everyone to come out (NOT LIKE OUT OF THE CLOSET HAHAHA), she grabbed her things and ran out first, getting her luggage from that compartment in those school buses (idk either). 'Finally, fresh air', Himiko thought, looking up at the sky and quickly turning on her phone to check the time. The other students were walking out slowly in their cliques, so Himiko waited for hers. Kaede was the first to burst out running to Himiko, holding a paper and with hearts in her eyes.
"Himikooo!!~" she squeeled.
"Looklooklooklooklook!" she screamed and jumped in place excitedly, showing Himiko a piece of paper. The red head took the paper to check what the hell she was freaking out about.

XXX-XXX-XXX. Call me♡!~

Himiko looked at Kaede, confused.
"Don't you get it!? It's from Miu!"
"Ah, right" at least she had something good happen to her today.
Kaede grabbed the paper back and smelled it, it smelled like Mius perfume.
"Pshaha, weirdo" Kaede flinched, almost dropping the paper, it was Tenko, with Maki following her.
"Hey! Shaddup! As if you wouldn't do the same..." the three girls talked, Maki only added things to not be too involved, but Himiko didn't focus on their conversation. She thought about that purple haired boy, Kokichi Ouma. Was it a good choice to freak out? Well of course not, it almost never is. She then thought further, about the conversation they had. She smiled, he was indeed sweet, but a bit more serious than she expected. Kaede was lucky, she at least got her crushes phone number.
"... Himikoooo! Is she dead or something?"
"Oh!" Himiko snapped out of it.
"Soo-soory! I just got lost in thought..."
"Lemme guess, about that dude you were sitting with?" the blonde girl looked at Himiko.
"WH-WHAT!? HOW'D Y'KNOW??" Himiko exclaimed, quickly regretting screaming so loud
"Well Himiko, you were pretty loud...", Maki said, "n-not that you're loud! It was just your conversation was easily heard but we pretended not to notice!" the brunette tried to somewhat "fix" what she said. Himiko, extremely flustered and desperately trying to change the conversation, screamed
"Let's just get to our rooms, ok!?" she ran to the teacher to ask what room she got, leaving the three girls behind. Maki requested for the 4 of them to be in the same room, so Himiko wanted to see if that actually came true, since Maki was kind of a teachers pet. The teacher started listing the groups.
" Girls camp! House number 5: Kirumi Tojo, Angie Yonaga, Tsumugi Shirogane. House number 7: Maki Harukawa, Himiko Yumeno, Tenko Chabashira. House 9: Miu Iruma, Kaede Akamatsu"
Himiko rolled her eyes, of course Kaede tried to get a room with Miu.
She grabbed the keys from the teacher and dragged her luggage to her now roommates.
"C'mon, let's get going!"
The black haired girl of the group said, pulling her red, sticker covered trunk behind her and holding her khaki coloured bag.
Himiko got so lost in thought she didn't even look around at the camp, so now that's what she did. A pretty big land in the middle of nowhere. Seemed like they were in a forest, looking further and seeing a lake. 'How pretty..." Himiko thought as she walked past the houses. There were small, wooden cottages beside each other, the boys camp was on the opposite of theirs. Himiko didn't expect such an old, broken down place, but hey, her school was pretty cheap, though she guessed reserving it like this for 3 weeks was more expensive than just staying there with other strangers.
She walked past the other girls' houses and finally made it to hers.
"I can't wait to see the interior!" Maki said, waiting for Himiko to open the door.
Himiko unlocked the door. Though the cottage wasn't super big, it was pretty spacious. 2 bunk beds, 2 closets, and even a table and 4 chairs, all made out of oakwood.
"Dibs!" Himiko dropped her luggage and climbed up the ladder of one of the bunk beds, laying down.
"Ah, ok! I don't really like sleeping at the top anyway, haha" Maki neatly placed her luggage next to the bunk bed where Himiko was sleeping and sat down below her
"Can't believe Kaede decided not to be in the same room with us.. " Maki said, looking out the still opened door
"Psh, leave it. Besides, she's just girl crazy, she'll drop this gyaru girl sooner or later" Tenko shut the door and threw her bag and luggage into the room.
"Welp, I better start unpacking!" Maki opened her luggage and went to one of the closets
"Oh, we only have two. Which of us will share a closet?" the brunette said, looking at the other two girls.
"Eh, I'll share with Himiko" Tenko said, fishing out a book from her bag
"Yeah, I'm fine with that!" Himiko agreed, climbing back down to also start unpacking, hiding her diary at the far back of the closet. She sighed, looking out the window and back to her clothes. These are gonna be some long 3 weeks.


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