~On My Way~

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Sunday, 9:27, June 11th
Been a few days since I've written in here, huh? I'll just give a recap! I've Been doing nothing since my last entry except the day before camp. I think I'm staying a few weeks in there! Maki and Tenko did tell me that there'll be a few people that I didn't know and that'll just be there briefly, so maybe I'll try taking with them, they'll forget me, sooner or later, right? Packing is such a pain though. You never realize how many things you have before you have to squeeze it into your luggage. By the way, I'm on the bus right now! I don't like writing while I'm on buses or in cars, but I'll try to ignore my headache. Maybe I'll inspect a few people from a far! That sounds kinda creepy now that I've wrote it down...
Anyways, I know I'm on the same class as all of these people, but there are mostly people I don't even recognize! The bus isn't moving yet because some of the people didn't get on yet, so maybe I'll be able to go to another seat?
(out of diary)
"Alright everyone, hurry up!" the teacher quickly crammed everyone into the bus. Himiko was sitting at the very back of the bus which had 4 seats. She was expecting her friends to come sit down with her, but the teacher assigned seats to the people who didn't sit down yet. She pushed Kaede and Miu into the middle row and Maki and Tenko into the seat in front of Himiko. Himiko was kinda disappointed that she couldn't sit with her friends, but one boy decided to sit in the row with her. He had purple hair and pale skin, his violet eyes staring out the window. He had a skinny figure and a bored look on his face, and for some reason Himikos eyes were glued to him.

(in diary)
I didn't get to sit with Maki, Kaede and Tenko, but a new kid just sat down at the end of the row to me. Wait, this is my chance! Maybe I could try to talk? Or maybe not... He looks very nice, in a platonic way of course.

(out of diary)
She sat there, legs to her chest and hunched over, her book slightly covering her face and sometimes glancing over to look at him. 'Is this... Love at first sight!?' she thought with a fixated look on her face. She giggled in her head 'pfft, no way! I already know it's impossibl-'
"Hey, you ok?" the boy asked, scooting closer to the red head.
She flinched, almost dropping her book. She closed it and put it on her lap. 'Aw crap, I'm gonna be so awkward! Ok ok ok, relax. He won't remember you! Just act natural'
"Uh-ha-ha-hi! And yes, I'm fine, you kind of caught me off guard, nyehe" she regretted stuttering at the start, especially that weird laugh at the end
"A-ah, ok then..." He almost moved back to his original spot till Himiko asked
"Uhhhey!" she cleared her throat so her voice didn't sound squeaky
"What's your name?" she looked at him, fixing the clip that held her hair in place.
"My name is Ouma, Kokichi Ouma. What is yours?" he scooted closer, his leg almost touching Himikos
"M-my names Himiko!", she said hastily, "nice to meet you!" she held out her hand and shook his. He pulled away, his hand was a already getting sweaty. There was an awkward moment of silence. Himiko desperately tried to think of a conversation topic. She hadn't interacted in real life with someone, let alone a boy!
"Say Himiko, what are your interests?" Kokichi fidgeted with his fingers, anxiously awaiting a response.
"Oh! Uhh, I like dogs and just animals in general, I like uhhh breathing?" she regretted saying that, she couldn't belive how stupid she was being, Kokichi giggled
"Nishishi, g-good one! Have you seen any shows lately?"
"Yes! Have you heard of Zenn and Keller?"
"Of course, who hasn't?"

For most of the bus trip, they geeked out about their favorite shows and their interests. Himiko noticed he was especially interested in politics and soda brands, but she liked how they both shared an interest in magic. Kokichi got noticeably closer, their thighs touching. Himiko started sweating but tried to brush it off. Although she was getting a bit, sleepy. It had been a few hours, how long will this bus ride take!? She felt her eyes slowly closing, she fell asleep pretty quickly. Kokichi left her alone, he already knew she'd fall asleep, it had already been 3 hours or so. As the bus was moving, the driver sharply turned right, causing Himiko to fall onto Kokichi.

(ok that's enough writing for rn-. Y'all a already know I'm bad at ending chapters ✌️😭. Anyway it's getting pretty romantic so thirsty oumeno fans, just wait till I publish other chapters-)

~♡My diary♡~ (pregame oumeno) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt