Chapter 10: In transition

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After our talk with Bonnie's grandma we decided to go back to the boarding house and get some sleep. Little did we know that Elena had figured out Stefan and Damon's secret. Hopefully they didn't spill our secret, because I don't feel like dealing with Elena's worries.

Sadly I missed the whole drama, and Damon getting out and attacking Vicki and her group of friends. But I can be there for the 'tell me everything about your kind' chitchat with Josie. We just have to stay farther away. "You said you would explain everything, that's why I asked you to meet me here. When you google "vampire" you get a world of fiction. What's the reality?" Elena asked. "I can tell you whatever you want to know." Stefan said. "I know you eat garlic." Elena said. "Yes." Stefan replied. "And somehow sunlight's not an issue." Elena continued. "Hi, here are your drinks." A waitress said interrupting them. "We have rings that protect us." Stefan said. "Crucifixes?" She asked. "Decorative." Stefan answered. "Holy water?" Elena asked. "Drinkable." Stefan said. "Mirrors?" "Myth." Stefan answered.

"You said you don't kill to survive." Elena said. "Animal blood keeps me alive, but not as strong as Damon. He can be very powerful." Stefan replied. "And yet you let him get involved with Caroline?" Elena asked. "Forcing Damon not to do something is much more dangerous, believe me." Stefan said. "He was hurting her." Elena said angrily. "He was feeding on her. He was able to take away her memories of being bitten using a form of mind compulsion. She never knew what was happening to her. If he wanted to kill her, he would have." Stefan said.

"Is that suppose to make it ok?" Elena asked. "No. No. None of this is ok, Elena. I know that." Stefan answered. "Are there any other, aside from you and Damon?" Elena asked more collected. "Not in mystic falls, not anymore." Stefan said hesitantly. "Not anymore?" Elena asked. "There was a time when this town was... very much aware of vampires, and it didn't end well for anybody. That's why it's important for you to not tell anyone." Stefan said. "I can't promise that." Elena said. "Elena... give me today. I will answer any questions that you have, and when it's over, you can decide for yourself what you want to do with what you know. It'll be your choice." Stefan said. After that Josie and I got bored so we decided to leave. "Stefan we are leaving." I whispered knowing he could hear me. He nodded his head slightly to acknowledge us.

Josie and I spent the day shopping and talking to Bonnie. "How do you feel about this whole witch thing?" I asked looking through a rack of clothes. "I-I don't know. I mean I love that I'm learning about this and that I am a witch, but the power scared me." Bonnie said. "I know what you mean. When Lizzie and I came into our power we were scared. But as time went on we began to embrace our power." Josie told her.

"Your grams is an amazing teacher so everything will be fine, and besides you have us with you." I said. "Thank you, you guys don't know how much this means to me." Bonnie said hugging us. "It's our pleasure." Josie said hugging her back. We finished shopping and started heading home.

Once we got to the boarding house my phone started going off. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey, it's Stefan, I need your help." Stefan said. "Ok, what's going on?" I asked. "Damon turned Vicki, and now she's loose outside." He said. "Where are you?" I asked. "In the woods near the cemetery." He answered. "Ok, we're on our way." I said before hanging up. "Let's go save the day." Josie said following behind me.

After tracking through the forest we found the cemetery Stefan was talking about. We stopped moving once seeing Damon was there. He was feeding off of the Logan Fell guy. "Wait! Vicki don't!" I yelled flashing after her. I was to late Vicki had already fed off of Logan's blood. "It's wood. They know. If anyone's gonna kill you, it's gonna be me. My ring." Damon said to Stefan.

"No! Vicki!" Stefan yelled after noticing that she began to feed. "I'm sorry." Vicki said before running off. "Oops." Damon said before getting up and grabbing the pocket watch and leaving. "Are you ok?" I asked Stefan helping him up. "Yeah, just a little sore." He said. "Just drink some squirrel blood and you'll be fine." Josie said to him.

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