Of course they got in! For fucks sake, Slughorn! They've all been Slytherin students, too!

Hand in hand with Draco, I'm running first and he's behind me. With my other arm, I'm putting and smacking people out of my way. This is a mess. A complete mess. Between shouting spells and hysterical laugh of the Death eaters, I can hear screams from pain. They're attacking everyone who comes under their hand.

I don't stop, I only focus on the entrance door that I believe is the right way I'm going. I don't know where my father is, but I'm afraid he might be standing in the door. I quickly release the negative thought out of my mind and continue running.

"Theo and Leon-" shouts Draco at me.

"They'll make it," I assure him, but I'm not so sure myself. I just have to hope they'll be lucky.

The smoke is slowly fading and I can see the door almost clearly. As I'm running toward it, I kick into something on the floor. It's weirdly soft, so I look behind and spot Sarah laying on the floor with unconscious face and blood strain from her forehead. I gasp my mouth and the world in front of me blacks out for a second, but I have to keep running.

The door is opened, I'm just a few meters from it, when all of sudden, someone grabs my other hand. I scream from shock when I realize it's Bellatrix. She's smiling at me with her teeth out, raising her wand...

Anger bursts out of my whole body, the tips of my fingers are on fire.

"You're burning!" Screams Draco and immediately let's go of my hand.

I feel the the warmth of the fire in my hands, but the pain isn't coming. I take a look at them, and then I lift my hand at Bellatrix, who looks surprised.

Without hesitation, I raise my hands and press them hard against her face. She instantly catches on fire that I made and lets out scream full of pain and hysteria.

I watch her burn, I watch her eyes pull out, and most of all, I smell her burning flesh.

Draco covers my eyes and pulls me out of the common room. We're on an empty corridor, which means only one thing. Everyone is still in there, including Theo and Leon. I fight the urge to cry and fast walk out of the corridor.

Not sure where we're headed, we walk down the stairs and we find ourselves in a crowd of other students. This is even bigger mess with more people. The whole corridor in front of the Great hall is echoing in pain and cry as the injured students lay on the edges of the corridor. I spotted a few teachers between them.

"They attacked-" starts Draco.

"All the houses," I finish, looking at the people.

"But how?"

I realize one thing. Pansy was in the common room when McGonagall sent us there, but she wasn't there during the night. My guess is, she learnt all the passwords to houses and let them in.

"Pansy." I say and start running through the corridor with the intention to find Potter.

My head is spinning from all the people and crying, but I manage to find Hermione and Ron at the end of the corridor. They're standing around something on the ground with few others, but more and more people are walking toward them.

When I get closer, I realize they're not gathering just to chat. They're standing round a body on the floor.

A body that belongs to Harry Potter.

I can't identify the sound that comes out of my mouth, it's a mixture of surprise and pain at the same time. Draco grabs my hand and tries to pull me away, but I protest. Between the people, I spot Ginny kneeled down by Harry. She's uncontrollably crying and screaming, no one's comforting her.

I fight all the anger toward her from previous days and run toward her. I put my arm over her shoulders and stroke her hair. Her face is all wet from the crying, tears are rolling down her cheeks on Harry's face. There's no sign of fighting on his body, which means my father used the killing spell.

Ginny releases from my hug and manages to look me in the face. "It was supposed to be you!".

I stare at her until Draco really pulls me away from her. She looks at me for the last time with hate in her eyes that I'll never forget.

"Where are we going?" I ask Draco after a while of walking.

He doesn't respond and continues walking. At this point, I feel tears on my cheeks, but I don't remember crying.

Is it really happening?

Voldemort got into Hogwarts and attacked all the houses with the help of Pansy. Harry Potter is dead and I'm the last horcrux.

It all happened so fast, this is basically the last step - I have to die now. But I don't wanna do it just like that. I want everyone to watch, including my father.

Draco suddenly stops and looks around, but the hallway is empty. He murmurs something and a door appears in front of us.

"Come," he says and takes my hand.

It's a middle sized room with everything we need right now - beds and first aid kits.

"We can't stay here, we need to fight. I need to fight," I protest, but Draco makes me sit in his lap on the bed with him.

He wraps his arms around my waist and puts his head on my shoulder. "You need to rest for a bit,"

"I can't rest when our friends are god knows where in god knows what-"

"Shh..." he strokes my waist.

I allow myself to relax into the position we're in and close my eyes for a bit. It's okay, I'll catch my breath and return there in a minute.

"I can't kill you, Amelie. I can't do it," Draco says after a while.

"Why would you do it?" I ask with almost a giggle.

"Who, then?"

"Pansy, of course,"

He nods and stays quiet. However much I'd like to, I can't stop thinking about Leon and Theo and even Ginny's face when she looked at me.

"Leon and Th-" I start, but he interrupts me.

"I'll go get them," he stands up.


"You stay here, I'll be back in a minute,"

His voice is strong, but I see it in his eyes that he's scared. He opens the door and checks if the air is clear.


I rush toward him and press my lips hard against his. "Be safe."

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