66 | finale

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I feel more alive than ever.

Every pain in my body, every sore muscle, every tension between my bones is now gone. I remember the uncomfortable pain in my back from the tile, but I don't feel anything anymore. Even my eyesight is much better.

Before I look around at the situation, Draco pulls me toward his chest into a hug and puts his head on my shoulder. I giggle and squeeze him, but then I feel something wet soaking through my T-shirt. I look up and grab Draco's face into my hands. He's crying.

"Hey-" I say and wipe his tears, "it's okay now,"

"I thought you'd stay like that forever...I don't know what I'd do without you," he sobs and pulls me even closer, making sure I'm really here with him, alive.

"Why? The ring-" I'm confused.

"You weren't the last Horcrux," explains Draco, "Nagini," he points his head toward a huge pile of ruins.

In the ruins, I see someone lying there in dark clothes. Without further explanation, I immediately know who it is.

"God, I love you so much," says Draco with his eyes still wet.

My heart jumped with joy as he said that. It's weird feeling, something warm in my body spreading from my heart. I've never felt that before.

I think...I think the curse might be broken. Even though I mouthed it before I died, it wasn't meaningful. Until now.

"I love, you too," I say slowly, watching Draco's reaction. He's confused at first, then his face goes into a smile and his eyes sparkle.

For a moment, I forget that there are crowds of people watching us. Just for a second, I don't want to bother with anything.

Leon, who's standing beside us, suddenly kneels down and wraps his arms around us.

"I love you guys," he says and puts his head on top of us.

Everything is fine now. I'm alive, the boys are alive, Theo will get better. Finally, I feel happy. Truly happy.

And my father is...

My father is...


Screams a male voice from behind us all of sudden. My body flinches, I know exactly this tone of his voice. I look up and spot my father slowly sitting up, still in the ruins. His face is covered with a bit of blood and he looks...well, terrible.

With my body shaking from anger, I stand up with Draco and Leon by my sides. I watch my father having trouble with moving, I'm sure I even heard one of his bones crack.

After a while, I leave the boys and slowly walk toward my father with clenched fists. I'm not sure what I'm about to do.

"My daughter-" he says with soft voice and raises his hand to me.

I grab his hand into mine and firmly squeeze it. Damn, he's weak. I've never seen him like this and I must say, I'm enjoying the thought that if I squeeze a little more, his hand would break.
I lean to his face and examine his wrinkles that are everywhere. He looks 100 years old.

"I'm not your daughter," I say and push him into the ruins again.

While he's falling and begging for mercy, I pull my wand out of my pocket, ready to kill him, but the wand automatically flies out of my hand. I panic and look around to find who just disarmed me.

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