I laid my head on River's shoulder, and he gently started to run his fingers through my hair.

As I was about to start a conversation, Bubbles came running into the room and jumped on my lap.

"Aw hi bubbles," I smiled and kissed her head. She barked in response and went up on her back legs to lick my face.

"Woah woah," I laughed and gently pushed her away. She licked my hand, then climbed over to River's lap and started to do the same thing.

"Someone's happy," he said while taking her off his lap and putting her on the floor.

She barked and ran to River's dad, scratching at his feet in excitement. "Stupido cane," he mumbled and pushed her away.

(Stupid dog)

"è solo eccitata, papà," River said. Alexander shook his head and waved his hand dismissively.

(She's just excited, dad)

"It's okay Bubbles," Azalea whispered while picking her up, making me wonder what they were saying.

I looked at River, confused and he shook his head. "It's nothing," he assured.

A long, uncomfortable silence followed his statement and an obvious tension filled the room.

That was until his Dad finally decided to ask something. "So Cove, where are you parents from?"

"My mom is from here, and my dad is from Washington," I answered.

"Sta per rovinare la linea di sangue," he complained, looking at River. Great, they're talking in Italian again.

(She's going to ruin the blood line)

"Non lo è, papà. Hai anche sposato un'americana," River replied.

(No she's not, dad. You also married an American)

"Ma sei ancora la metà, una volta che avrete dei figli saranno italiani solo per un quarto. Questo non è abbastanza," Alexander groaned.

(But you're still half, once you two have children they'll only be a quarter Italian. That's not enough)

River thought for a second before saying, "non so cosa dirti papà, in America non troverai molti italiani. Quindi non so cosa ti aspettassi."

(I don't know what to tell you Dad, in America there isn't a whole lot of Italians. So I don't know what you expected)

"Non so nemmeno cosa mi aspettassi. Avresti dovuto essere cresciuto in Italia, ma tua madre ha detto che stavi bene qui."

(I don't know what I expected either. You should have grown up in Italy, but your mother said you would be fine here)

"Non metterlo su suo zio. Sappiamo tutti che è molto più sicuro safe," Azalea said calmly, trying to defuse the situation.

(Don't put this on her uncle. We all know here is much safer)

"Non importa, vivere in Italia avrebbe reso River ancora più duro di un uomo. Non tutto sarà sempre sicuro al 100%"

(It doesn't matter, living in Italy would have made River even tougher of a man. Not everything will always be 100% safe)

"Alexander don't judge my decision and stop talking about me like I'm not sitting right here. I made the right choice and we both know it," Rose frowned and scooted away from him.

Alexander sighed and pulled her back. "Sorry amor. Ti amo ma sarebbe meglio se River venisse in Italia, permanentemente."

(I love you but it would be better if River came to Italy, permanently)

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