Chapter 8

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It was like someone yelled free money.

The students were pushing and shoving each other to get to the front of the pack. Y/n was no exception, she was elbowed in the stomach at least 3 times.

But Y/n was ready for this. When she made it to the tunnel, she shoved her way to a wall and took out her claws.

Now that her claws were now metal, she could stab into the wall and swing over the crowd.

Halfway through the tunnel ice latched onto the feet and legs of any one in the tunnel. Y/n almost got frozen in place herself but was quick enough to push herself off the wall and book it for the end of the tunnel.

As she came out of the tunnel she saw 3 ginormous robots, all of them frozen.

'Must be the work of Todoroki.'

Everyone was still in shock from the awe of the robots that Y/n shot right past them. As she was running she saw Kirishima on her right and another boy on her left, running along side her.

She was ahead of them by a few meters and as she was underneath 2 of the 3 robots, they started to creak and groan. They were about to fall!

She had to lunch herself forwards in order to not be crushed under tons of metal.

She rolled and kept running, not looking back.

'The fight is over and you have lost when you get distracted.' That's what 'Sir' always told her.

Y/n came across a chasm with little islands spread out with ropes attached to each of them. She tried to take a few steps but decided it would be better to use an arm over arm technique. It took some time to get to the other side and was passed by a few people.

At least she didn't fall.

There was a stretch of path before she came upon little mounds of dirt. First thought she had was land mines. She heard explosions up ahead and in the distance saw what looked like Todoroki and Bakugo fighting to stay in first.

She was always taught to be light on her feet so this was going to be a piece of cake.

She started running and dodging the mines and passed a few more people when she saw a blur of green fly over her head.

She didn't care to take another look because she didn't feel like being blown up. Even though she would heal it would still hurt like a butt cheek on a stick. (Haha rip vine)

As she jumped over the last mine she dashed through the path, through the tunnel until she crossed the finish line.

Even though she was sweeting a bit she wasn't out of breath.

As she waiting for the rest of the students to make it back to the stadium, she saw Midoriya standing near the elevated platform. How was he already here?

Then she remembered the green blur.

She was curious so she walked over to ask him.

"Hey Midoriya?" She startled the boy as he was facing away from her.

"O-oh, hi Y/n."

She gave a soft smile to the boy. "Hi, I just was wondering, was that you who flew over the mine field?"

He blushed a little as he nodded.

"How did you do that?"

The boys face lit up as he started to complain.

"Well I took a piece of metal from the robots at the start of the race and then-"

"What are you rambling about now Deku?" Bakugo interrupted as he walked over.

Can I have both? Bakugo x Kirishima x readerWhere stories live. Discover now