Chapter 7

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After Bakugo walked away the crowd that had formed dispersed, including most of her class. 

She turned to see if the squad was still there, and they were. But Midoriya was also there, just... staring.

She stared back at him.

"You need something Midoriya?" She took a step towards the group.

That snapped Midoriya out of his trance and started fidgeting and blushing.

"Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! It's just that.." He trailed off looking at the ground for a second. He looked back up at her.

"It's just that I've never seen Bakugo act like that. He doesn't care what people think of him so he does what he wants." He took a breath. "Not even his mom." He mumbled the last bit.

Mina heard him though and had a thought. And being the talkative person she is, she surprised herself when she kept the thought to herself.

The group was leaving for lunch when Y/n saw Mina deep in concentration, not budging from her spot. 

Y/n waved her hand in front of Mina, "Mina? You good?" Mina snapped her head up.

"Oh, yeah! Just had a thought." She smile and they caught up to the group.

When Y/n got home, she was informed that her parents wanted to have another family dinner that night.

'Weird. Wonder if I did something.'

She thought as she changed into her sparing clothes and walking to the gym where 'Sir' was waiting.

"Afternoon." He blankly said as she walked through the door. She nodded at him and she stood at attention.

"Today is leg day, work on that for 30 minutes. Then normal sparing  for 30 minutes. After that, 2 minutes brake. And then 5 kilometers (Bout 3 miles) on the treadmill."

Nodding, she replied with a "Yes sir." Then started her workout.

After taking a shower and getting changed, she got started on her homework from school plus the stuff her parents assigned her.

She was about 3/4ths of the way done when it  was time for dinner. As she made her way down she kept thinking 'This is the day I die.'

When she sat down she hastily took a bite of her pasta, hoping it would calm her stomach. The her mother asked, "So, how is school?"

Y/n swallowed and took a sip of water before answering.

"It's alright, homework is good. Class can be a little rowdy when Aizawa sensei isn't there but other than that it's great."

She continued, "We talked about the sports festival today." 

She knew if she didn't tell her parents that info she would be punished, but that didn't make it any easier saying it. And she knew what was about to happen.

Both her mother and father looked up from their food.

"Oh? Go on."

She let out a quiet sigh before talking about how you could get an intern offer if you impressed some pro heroes.

"So, you know what we expect right?" Her father asked before taking a drink of his water.

Y/n swallowed thickly before answering with a small "Yes."

"And you know what will happen if you fail to win, right."

Y/n had a full body shiver at the memory of the last time she disappointed her parents.

Can I have both? Bakugo x Kirishima x readerWhere stories live. Discover now