Chapter 1

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A/n: This story does not have Mineta, and has a polyamorous relationship. And heads up, Y/ns quirk isn't the most original. Sorry.

Who knew that Y/n Maxwell would be spending her 14th birthday in a hospital bed, crying in pain.

It was everywhere, the pain. She felt like was being burned and frozen alive, slowly. 

Because of the pain, she couldn't hear the doctors, only catching a few words.

"...Bones...days to...mutate...not anything..."

The only time the pain was gone was when the nurses knocked her out with painkillers. But she only slept for an hour maybe two, until she woke up.

This went on for a week. Waking up in excruciating pain, the nurses not able to give her anymore painkillers, crying for hours, holding herself and then passing out.

The morning she woke up, she thought she was dead. Because, where was the pain? And then about 30 minutes later the doctor came in.

He was surprised she was awake, but that didn't stop him from asking a bunch of questions about her pain levels and other stuff. And then, finally, explained to her what had happened to her.

"Your quirk mutated." He put bluntly. "Your bones, including your claws, are incased in this..." he paused.

"In some sort of metal. It's like nothing we've ever seen, we had to give it a name." Y/n remained quiet, waiting for him to continue.

"We named it vibranium. So far, we don't know how strong it is. But we can assume it's stronger than human bone." He went on and on about doctor stuff, saying she would have to stay a couple more days and how if she didn't have her regeneration quirk, she would've been dead.

After he said that she stopped listening.

Her quirk mutated? She would've died?

When she was able to go home she, she didn't expect a welcome home party. She didn't even get birthday parties, so what was this? But when she looked around the room, she understood. It was more for her parents image.

She called her family rich, but her parents liked to call it 'well off' or 'comfortable'.

She had barely walked through the door when she was hugged by her mother and father. When did they start hugging her?

"Surprise! Welcome home!" They said as they let go.

"Um, what's all this?" Y/n asked while looking around to see friends of her parents.

"What does it look like? It's a welcome home party!" Everyone cheered at that.

But not even 10 minutes later, her parent were conversing with their friends. She was alone and about to head up to her room when she felt a tap on her shoulder.

When she turned she saw James, her boyfriend. "Glad to see your okay. I wasn't aloud to come visit you, but I would have." He was starting to stumble over his words.

"James, James. It's okay, I know." She put her hands on his shoulders, calming him down.

She took a glance around the room. "How about we go to my room?" James nodded at that.

As James was shutting the door, Y/n flopped on her queen sized bed. She sighed heavily.

"You okay?" James sat down next to her.

"Yeah," she sighed again. "Just worried about catching up on homework." James nodded in understanding.

They both went to the same privet school and they were brutal with assigning homework, even if you were say, hospitalized for 10 days.

Can I have both? Bakugo x Kirishima x readerWhere stories live. Discover now