Chapter 9

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I walked to my house and grabbed my little girl. I sat down and waited for my phone to buzz while she was sleeping and I was drinking a beer. And if you wonder who I am, I'm Zayn Mattox, the murderer, and the police officer. Funny how I got them all fooled.
If you ever asked if I felt bad, I did, not because I killed about 100 person, but because I caused the death of my own son. The teenager that killed 4 people was my 15 years old son. He did it to protect me and I couldn't bare his loss along with the loss of my girlfriend. Yeah I did have a girlfriend, it's the same girl that started all this, I'm the Mysterious boyfriend. When my girl Kaitlyn Casey found out about my son, we got into a fight, and then she told her best friend that told her parents, that's when her mother read the diary and they accidentally killed her. I don't know how driving a knife through your daughter's chest was an accident but anyways, I didn't kill her mother, she killed herself. I murdered her father and then it became more than just revenge, it was a game to me. Along with killing everyone that got close to an evidence that involved me, I killed everyone Kaitlyn mentioned before that hurt her in a way or an another, then the others killed themselves not being able to live with that much grief. Then I met my little girl layla. She brought happiness back into my life and I love her more than anything now.

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