Zayn x reader

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Lifting the unlocked window, Zayn slowly slides into the apartment as quietly as possible. He knows he doesn't have very long to grab what he needs and get the hell out of there. 

As he walks through the apartment he knows everything like the back of his hand, he's been studying the place for months, and to be honest, this isn't his first time inside. 

Zayn wouldn't be "robbing" this place if knew they didn't have what he needed. And it's very important he gets what he needs 

It's been a month since Zayn has been able to get his hands on it and he wasn't about to pass up a chance right in front of him. 


Zayn was born with type 1 diabetes and after his mother abandoned him three years ago he's had to find different ways to find his insulin. His doctors aren't aware of the situation he's in, and he would like to keep it that way. At this point Zayn is a pro at stealing insulin, so he knows the best ways to not get caught. 

There are two college girls who live here. They both have classes from 8 am to 3 pm, then they come home do homework for a couple of hours then usually go out for dinner. After watching them for awhile Zayn found it amusing their lack of cooking skills. Zayn often finds himself sitting outside their window just listening to their conversation wishing more than anything he was in their telling them Professor Michaels was a perv and Chad was an ass who just wanted a good lay. Zayn quickly found out Ava, one of the roommates, was the crazy and outgoing friend always encouraging her roommate to go out on Friday nights and not be so reserved. Despite her obvious lack of brain cells she deeply cared about her friend. But the insulin wasn't going to come from Ava, no, it was coming from Willow. 

Zayn wish it didn't hurt so much knowing he was going to be stealing something so precious from someone who couldn't hurt a fly, and who cries at every movie she watches, and often prays that she can stay afloat with all the bills piling on top of each other. But Zayn was desperate and had no other choice. Willow, like Zayn, was born with type 1 diabetes; unlike Zayn, she had a family who loved her and looked after her health. Of course,  no one had to know about the tears that fell onto Zayn's cheeks as he again realized just how alone he was in this world, while listening to Willow talk to her family. 

Zayn's humanity caused him to hesitate, which pushed him back a week. It's been seven days since Zayn's had insulin and he's deteriorating at a faster rate each day. He can feel his vision go in and out when he moves too fast, his muscles feel like jelly, and the nausea is one for the books.  

Opening the drawer that keeps Willows insulin in it, he grabs all of it and stuffs it in his bag. As he stands up he violently wobbles to the side and quickly grabs onto the counter to steady himself. He realizes with great horror that not only does he not have a lot of time before Willow comes back from work, but if he doesn't get insulin in that instant he was going to pass out and get caught. 

As he shakes away the dizziness, he sits down on the toilet and grabs a vial of insulin and a syringe. With shaky hands he fills the syringe and lifts up his shirt and pinching his skin he stabs the needle into his abdomen. 

As the needle enters his abdomen he freezes hearing the front door open. quickly realizing he was going to get caught, he injects the rest of the insulin in and throws away the used vial and syringe. Grabbing his bag he stands up and instantly regrets the decision as he falls back down and with horror realizes he waited too long and is definitely going to pass out very soon. 

Knowing he was making too much noise, he kept trying to get up but to not extent was it working out for him. Zayn in a desperate situation knows he has no option but to wait for the girl to find him. He starts sobbing knowing he's going to be sent to jail, or even die with the lack of insulin. 

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