"And you're annoying." (Y/n) sighed, "I swear I came to Shiketsu to get my hero license not to take care of a big baby."

"You love me." Tsubaka teased, playfully sticking out his tongue.

"Unfortunately.." (y/n) closed her eyes and sighed once more, slumping her shoulders in defeat.

"Thats what I tho- Wait what's that supposed to mean." Tsubaka playfully glared at the girl while pinching her masked cheek.

"But its okay! Now that we're here let's go!" Inasa said, picking up the masked girl and threw her over his shoulder, making their way over to the arena only to be stopped by a voice.


Shiketsu academy turned around to see the shocked expressions of class 1-A.

The rest of the UA students were in absolute shock when they saw their former classmate in front of their eyes. What was she doing here? What happened to not wanting to be a hero anymore? What was going on? Why was she so close to her other classmates? Why was she talking to them so casually? Why was she so comfortable with their touch? Why? Why? Why?

None of them could find their voice as they just observed from their spot, watching their former classmate happily interacting with her new classmates, so carefree, so relaxed, so comfortable, and so....


(Y/n) turned around to face her former classmates, a blank expression on her face. They hadn't changed one bit, but their faces. They looked so...... sad. She knew that she was the reason behind it, and frankly a part of her felt bad, of course she missed her classmates, a few more than others, and she missed seeing Shinso everyday at lunch and even Tamaki, her upperclassman was a pleasant memory she held close to her heart.

"Oi! Clean freak!" Bakugo stormed over to the masked girl. "You didn't tell me you were attending Shiketsu?!"

"Ah sorry forgot." (Y/n) blankly stated looking away from the raging ash blonde.

"HAH?!" He placed his hands on her shoulders, gripping it and shaking her back and forth, "you could've told me at the park you dumbass?! What you think I'm not enough for you to tell me?!"

"Katsuki please let me go I'm dizzy." Spirals circled in her eyes and he slowly stopped shaking her.

Now that as another surprise, someone, other than Midoriya was calling Bakugo by his first name, Katsuki, without getting blown up on the spot. When did they get so close? Bakugo was known to be the rowdy type, the aggressor, the one who was usually yelling his heart out every 5 seconds, the one who didn't think so kindly of others. So what happened?

"Tch, you could've at least told me!" Bakugo exclaimed.

"Hai hai~" she lazily waved a hand towards him, "How's Mitsuki by the way?"

"That damn hag won't stop talking about you.." he grumbled, crossing his arms infront of his chest, "she keeps asking for you to come back and clean my room again."

"Oh bet, I'll come over again to clean the whole house, it's kinda dirty."

An irk mark formed on Bakugo's head, "DON'T JUST GO AROUND CALLING OTHER PEOPLE'S HOUSES DIRTY YOU DAMN CLEAN FREAK!!" He exclaimed.

Everyone else that was watching the scene didn't know whether to feel sad or shocked by their interaction, whether they should feel jealous or scared for the two of them.

"(Y/n-" Aizawa was about to reach out towards the girl only for him to be cut off by another voice.

"Eraser? It's you, isn't it Eraser?!" His body immediately stiffened at the voice. From the other side of the buses, a girl with teal hair and an orange bandana walked over the the two group of students.

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