Chapter 5

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As the bell signalled dismissal, I cautiously make my way to the theatre, where Indigo whispery requested a visit. I had absolutely no idea what was to happen, what could he possibly want from me that was so important that I must lonely walk up to the theatre? Shaking the thought away, I sway my head from side to side that slightly caused my hair to mess. It was at this point where I heard a higher pitched yell from behind me. "WAAAAAIIIITTTT where are you going?" As I turn to face behind me, I'm stood face to face with Noah. It was clear that in order to get into this situation, he had tried to jump up to my height as I caught him balancing towards the left, with a foot hovering on the right. His hand was slightly resting on my hair, but not quite, as the next thing I saw was a pale hand, covered with the darkest hoodie imaginable clinging onto his wrist.

"Ah hey guys" I say confused looking back and forth between him and the barely seen Liam. "Nothing much, I just said I'd help someone with something, that's all." They looked at me rather weird, Noah especially. He kinda reminded me of a puppy actually. He stood there facing me, head turned slightly to the left with a puzzled look on his face. I mean I get it, who would believe me of all people is going to help someone unknown during my lunch break? Well the answer to that is clearly not them.

"That doesn't sound like you" Noah questioned to my response. "You must've got lost right?" he mentioned with that classic warm and loving smile. I draw my eye contact towards Liam where he glared at Noah as to say 'are you dumb or what?' rolling his eyes when he notices me looking his way.

"You caught me there, haha" I laugh to try and cool the situation. Next thing I know, I'm being dragged the opposite way where Noah pushed me down to a seat of a table in the cafeteria. Food was already laid out nicely across the whole table, I guess that was his doing. Noah is known to be a good cook, tested and proven by yours truly. The whole time I was there, I found myself frequently pressing my phone screen to look how long I'd have left to see Indigo. In the end, I decided to get up and excuse myself "Sorry guys, I really do need to do something before break end." They nod in acceptance and I run back inside and head towards the stairs. At this point, I was pretty much dashing as if my life was depending on it. You would think I was running away from death himself but no, instead it was towards a mysterious dude that I have no idea exactly what he wanted. Running towards danger instead of from, how ironic.

Out of breath, I finally arrive at the top floor and stood outside the theatre door. In a way, I was actually quite nervous to walk in. Not only did I not know what was expected of me, I also arrived almost fifteen minutes late. Of course this situation could only happen to me. Slowly pushing the door open, I see Indigo sitting in a chair at the back still waiting for me to arrive. 'Wow he still waited' I thought to myself, feeling extremely bad. At that moment, never in my life had I felt so guilty over something I couldn't completely control. He looked almost helpless in a sense.

As the door closed behind me, it got caught in the wind where it created a loud SLAM! which resulted in Indigo rising up from his seat and calmly walking towards me with a poker face expression. As he did, I repeated over and over again "I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I was on my way and got dragged away by N-" he stopped me with his hand that gently rested across the lower half of my face. Indigo shook his head as to say 'its okay, I believe you' yet his eyes contradicted as his vision fell from me to the ground. Grabbing my hand, he led my up to the top of the theatre, the back row in the corner to be precise. He had a pretty good grip, you could see the veins in his hands almost popping out of his skin as he pulled me up the stairway. Once we reached the top, he kept a hold of my hand but changed the position. This changed it from a pull to more of a hold of my hand scenario. We both sat down on these really old fashioned seats, it was like he took me to a 90's movie set. They were red and made of this fake velvet material.

"Admiring the seats" he chuckled to himself before pulling me closer. "You know the real reason why I brought you here right?" I shook my head as I thought I was about to expect a full on love confession or something but instead he went "You want to see more colours right? I can help you you know, rely on me a little okay? Its alright with me." He sounded so sincere and it melted my heart. maybe I was starting to like him. But I decided to nod in agreement to both of his statements. "I think I understand how this situation works, but I'm not quite sure. I mean I can look at you during the day and nothing happens so it must be something more than that I'm guessing." He sounded like a real life Sherlock, everything he was saying fit perfectly together as if it was becoming a completed puzzle. "This being said I feel like its got to be about the connection. It happened the first time we met and I felt it, something happened although I cant quite put my finger on it. I think its to do with our passion and curiosity with each other." All his words became a blur to me, it made perfect sense but all I could focus on was 'our' he said 'our passion'! My heart lit up once more, beating to the sound of a tune that no music could ever beat. Does this mean he felt this same thing right now? My cheeks start to flush with a rose tone as I start to question myself more.

Indigo grabbed onto my hand tighter and looked directly into my eyes, it was as if we were playing the ten second love game. As much as I wanted to look away I couldn't. Once again, I was being drawn in by the colour of his eyes, I couldn't look away. The reflected honey yellow in his brown eyes made me warm inside, yet the blue tips in his hair was a perfect balance to cool it down. No matter what way you look at this situation, I'm addicted. I am addicted to Indigo. This was my first proper realisation of just how bad it had got, but it made me happy and nothing was going wrong. Maybe we are one of those pairing, the one in a million pair. The safe ones.

He knew the colour would last a little while after I could start to see them, I had gotten better about adjusting to them that was for sure. I didn't feel like fainting this time around. However, maybe it was because I was more focused on the fact he said we had passion between us. Around twenty minutes had passed by and we were still locked hands, sitting right next to one another. I look down towards our collided hands and smiled. This moment genuinely made me happy and I wished it could last forever, looping over and over in my head. I could feel his warmth and I truly felt comfortable, his hands were slightly larger than mine, which allowed them to fit perfectly in place with each other. It was really as if we were made for each other, I no longer felt embarrassed, but I felt safe, he made me feel like nothing could stop this happiness. I dared not to look back towards him, so I casually rested my head upon his shoulder, he didn't move or oppose so I took it as if he was feeling the same.

Sadly, this interaction couldn't last forever as my mid had hoped. The alarm started to chime and we'd have to walk down two flights of stairs in order to reach our next class. As we both stood, neither of us had let go which caused us to pull each other closer. Almost in his arms I slightly fell closer towards him. Keeping my balance, my feet remained stable but my upper half fell closer to his. In that moment, I thought something was gonna happen. We lent in so close together, that you could feel our breath reflecting towards one another. This is the closest we had ever been to each other, and it felt so good. Although nothing happened, I could feel his presence against my skin and it was enough to make me smile as we stepped away and separated. We both sort of looked the opposite way to avoid embarrassment, but we both turned to look towards each other one last time. As we do, we both let out a little chuckle. He looked directly at me and smirked and I just let out a huge smile and shook my head. We then both walked out the door and goofed around on our way to the classroom, it was some of the most fun I've had for a good while.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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