Come Back... (Angst)

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Suggested by: 5952iu1
Type: Execution AU (Angst)

 I'm really worried, I haven't seen Taka at all for days and I have been searching no stop for him. Most of the class didn't help me search in the first few days but they soon got worried and actually do something. I literally searched everywhere in the school and I am fucking worried.

 When almost all hope was lost, I received a text telling me to go somewhere. I told the others and we all ran to the location. Apparently, the place that was said in the text was hidden, after uncovering it there was a stair case going down. I wasted no time running down there with the other's following behind.

 We then got in a room that looked kinda like a trial room. There was a circle of stand thingies or something, I don't know trial stuff. There was a giant black screen TV hung on the wall. Everyone was investigating the room when the TV lit up to show a weird bear thing, it was black and white.

"Hello class 78!" The bear thing said that caught everyone's attention.


"That dumb hall monitor? He's right here!" The screen then changed, it now showed Taka in a square grey room, there doesn't seem to have any windows or doors.

 We were all freaking out, well, the ones that actually had feelings and remorse unlike Rich Fuck and Lying Goth Bitch. The bear showed up on screen again.

"He will be going through a little obstacle course." The bear thing said. "If he survives, he will be reunited with you all."

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN 'IF HE SURVIVES'!?" I yelled at the damn thing.

"Oh calm down, you'll see if he survives or not." The bear said and the scene of Taka showed up again.

 A door opened and Taka walked through it, I could tell that he didn't know what was going on and was scared. He was then in a giant hall way full of spinning blades and other sadistic shit, it literally looked like a torture chamber.

 Taka then started to go through the course after getting a lot of courage, it would be pretty much impossible to get through this damn thing without getting hurt. I watched in horror as he gets repeatedly cut, even a single scratch on him makes me livid, let alone multiple.

 I couldn't believe he had to go through so much pain and agony through this torture chamber, I just wanted to run in there and save him from this mess. It was hard to watch him get hurt even a little bit, but I couldn't look away. It's like a car crash, it's horrible but you can't look away.

 After the torture of seeing my beloved dork get hurt relentlessly, some light was appearing and I was getting some of my hope back. Once he gets out I'm getting him to the nearest hospital and will shower him in infinite love. Everyone started to cheer for him to escape, but our hope was shattered. Just before he made it to the light, spears came out of nowhere and stabbed him everywhere.

 I cried, I was crying throughout his torment but this was the final nail in the coffin. He twitched on the floor in his own blood before stopping entirely. I could feel the despair everyone was feeling in the room. Taka was gone... he was fucking gone... I didn't even get the chance to say my true feelings to him.

 The bear popped up again and said something; I didn't pay attention to the bitch's words because I was mourning my baby's death. Then something happen, a trap door from above opened and Taka's lifeless body fell on the floor. HE FUCKING DIED RIGHT ABOVE US AND WE DID NOTHING. NOTHING TO HELP HIM.

 I ran up to his dead body and held him in my arms, his lifeless eyes looking up at me. I failed to protect him. His dead body was in my arms and I didn't protect him. I could have prevented this if I spent my entire time with him. I FAILED TO PROTECT HIM. HE WAS A HAPPY BOY THAT GOT HIS LIFE TAKEN AWAY BECAUSE I DIDN'T PROTECT HIM. WHAT KIND OF BRO AM I? LETTING MY BRO DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH.


 I'm sorry Taka... I know you'll never come back happy and alive... But that just doesn't happen...I'm an idiot... I wish I was there to comfort you in your last moments... I wish it was possible for you to come back... Come back... Come back... COME BACK TO ME!


I hope you're happy in heaven...

 I hope you're happy in heaven

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