Trying Redemption 2: So Close (Fluff)

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Type: Angel and Demon AU (Fluff)

 It's been a few weeks and I have been working my ass off to get my redemption, Taka had been helping me along the way so he gets credit too. Some other demons were also able to get a chance to redeem themselves, so far only ten demons so far since this process is still in the experimental stage.

 Some of the demons that were here were from my gang; we would joke around with eachother on break. They would joke about my relationship with Taka, how we were love birds or married. I'm not really bothered by this, Taka was really nice and would be a nice boyfriend but I'm not gay. I think...

 The time came for my daily of doing good, Taka called me over and walked with me to the Earth teleported thingy, I don't what it is called, Taka hasn't told me. He took my hand and we went in the Earth portal, he held my hand as we floated down to Earth. Holding his hand is always nice, it's so soft and shit I'm think gay.

 We got to the ground and started walking to my tasks, fazing through everyone that was in our path. I don't really mind doing these things, since I could be with Tak- stop it Mondo!

 I was just doing some good deeds while following the adorable angel's instructions, most of them were pretty mediocre but there were some interesting ones. We were walking to the next task until Taka stopped in his tracks.

"What's wrong Taka?" I asked noticing this.

"You only have 100 more good deeds to do!" Taka said excitedly. "It still sounds a lot but it's a big improvement from before!"

"So I only need to do 100 more to be redeemed?"

"Yes! I'm so happy for you! You'll soon be a angel just like me!"

"That's great!" I said but then realized he was crying. "Is something wrong!? You're crying!"

"It's fine..." Taka said letting me wipe his tears away. "I'm just... so happy..."

 Damn it... he looks cute when he's crying, actually he looks cute with any emotion but his crying is cute yet fucking sad. I don't want to see water come out of his eyes even if its happiness tears or whatever, I always assume it's because he is sad.

 After Taka had calmed down, we continued on with my tasks. I did more good deeds and by the end of the day there were only 60 more things I had to do.

"We are so close to getting you to heaven! I'm so excited!" Taka said cheerfully. "I think you only need to do one or two more days of this!"

"That's great!" I said.

"You will be an angel through all of your hard work! I'm so proud of you!"


 God fucking dammit why is he always so adorable!? What the fuck did I just think? I'm not gay. Actually... why am I denying that I'm gay? I will still be redeemed if I'm attracted to men... Taka said it was okay. You know what? I'll just tell him, if he rejects me then that's okay. As long as we can still be friends.

"Hey Taka?"

"Yes Mondo?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"You can tell me anything! Is there something bothering you?"

"So... I will still be redeemed if I'm gay right?"

"Yes! There is nothing wrong with being gay!"

"So I have a crush on a man..."

"You have a crush?"

"Yeah, he's cute."

"I would like to meet your crush; they could be a good fit for you!"

"Actually, you already met him."

"Really? Who?"

"It's you!"

"You...? I don't know anyone named You..."


"Wait... you mean me?"

"Yes! It's your adorable ass!"


"Yeah! Why would I lie about that?"


"Do you have the same feelings...?"




"Are you o-"


"Jesus, don't yell too loud."

"Ah, I'm sorry... I'm just so happy you feel the same way!"

"I'm glad you like me back."

 After that day we became boyfriends, I only needed to do a couple more good things and I'll be together with Taka in heaven. Man I can't wait... I'll be the best boyfriend I can be for this angel so I'm worthy of being in heaven with him.

 I'll be the best boyfriend I can be for this angel so I'm worthy of being in heaven with him

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