24. Chapter

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13th February, Saturday, 3:46 pm

Time passed as the ticking of the wall clock could be heard in the living room. (Y/N) did not move since he decided to lay down, his eyes dried up as he was no longer able to cry, too lazy and exhausted.

He felt the light vibration of his phone in his hand, slowly turning it to stare at the bright screen with Kaito's name on it. Again.

The male already missed several calls from both of his friends in the last 20 minutes. They probably were worried about him and were told to call him from his boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend.

The screen went black again and the vibration stopped, leaving the ticking of the clock the only hearable thing in the apartment. But it was not able to distract him from his thoughts. Actually, there were none. His brain was just as dried out as his eyes, but it left a bitter and hurt feeling.

Through a sudden brassy ringing, sounding like the doorbell, (Y/N) got snapped out of his trance while his eyes went back to focusing on wat was in front of them.

'Doorbell? I didn't order anything...' he quickly checked his phone, looking at the time as he noticed the missed calls again 'Ah, probably Kai.'

"With a heavy sigh the (H/C) haired sat up, stretching his body just before the ringing stopped and someone opening the door could be heard.

"(Y/N)?! Where are you? You didn't pick up!" Kaito yelled as the door closed behind him again.

Only a few seconds later he entered the living room, spotting his best friend on the couch who looked like he won a crying competition. Immediately he went over to the smaller male, hugging him as he also sat down.

They held this position until (Y/N) leaned back and sighed again.

"He just left," he stared at the wall with a smile, wanting to hide the fact that he was hurt with his facial muscles, but his eyes betrayed him and let tears slide down his cheeks again, "He just walked out after taking his stuff away."

Kaito pulled (Y/N) closer as he listened to what he had to say.

"I am so angry at him right now. He did not say a word before that, surprising me with his decisions and now I stand here-I sit here like an idiot who doesn't know how to live his own life," taking a deep breath he managed to get his shaking voice a bit calmer, "Again, gotten left behind by my oh so loved boyfriend. The good thing, I will see him at campus probably and am still able to call and scream at him. Not like last time."

After that the two of them did not exchange a single word for the next hours. The only thing that changed was Kaito's position as he texted Misaki about the situation and telling his girlfriend that he will be sleeping over.

In the evening he pulled (Y/N) into the bathroom, making him take a shower while preparing some noodle soup. He checked in after every hand movement, making sure that he was alright. At least not worse than before entering the shower.

With still wet hair (Y/N) sat down by the dinner table, eating the brew he got made while thanking Kai, "Thanks, needed that," his voice was soft and almost inaudible as he slurped the soup.

"Nothing to thank me for," with a smile he sat down beside (Y/N), "So, do you know what you are going to do? Like, today or even tomorrow?"

"Crying over the man that I love who no longer loves me because he thinks I love another one while eating snakes and watch-""Hold on, what was that?" Kaito stared a bit confuised as he interrupted his friend.

"I am going to cry? Not good?", (Y/N) looked at him like a lost, confused, and hurt puppy, not sure what else he should be doing in this situation.

"No no no, that's fine. Well, it's okay. But he what? You are in love with another one?"

Rolling his eyes (Y/N) went back to eating his soup but now being a bit angered. "Yes, he said that I love Dazai because I started talking to him again and normal people don't do that with their ex. So instead of thinking that I made up with him and finally living a happy life with me he concluded that I still have feelings for him!" the spoon landed on the table as (Y/N) raised his arms furious.

"Invite him."

"Whom? Hiroto? And then what? Talk?" The two looked at each other, one confused and one with a slight smile.

"No, Dazai. Talk to him and clear things up and then go to Hiro and tell him that and bum! You are in a relationship again."

"That sounds like a horrible idea. No."

The rest of the evening (Y/N) explained when and how he will talk to Hiro, hoping to get him back. Kai just sat there and nodded, being the unromantic guy, he was when it comes to other people's relationships.

But once (Y/N) was asleep Kaito stood up again, going into the living room as he was holding (Y/N)'s phone. With his fingerprint he unlocked it easily and quickly open his messenger.

To Dazai:

Hey there, Kaito here!

(Y/N) just got dumped from Hiro. I don't wanna be a dick, but maybe...if you could come over tomorrow?


You read that


okay, around 2, I will go to work then.

One long chapter! And here we are, with a little snitch friend :P
No, he is fine!

I didn't want to ruin the mood with a note last chapter, so, no worries! I am fine ^^

See you around! :3

Dazai x Male! Reader Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now