Phil giggles at him. "It's fine Nada, I also eat carrots" Phil tells him.

"Yeah but aren't you mad? I just wanted you to like me.... I think I bought too much.." nada says.

"It's fine Nada, you didn't know" Phil tells him as Philip goes to him to hug him.

Canada's eyes widen because of the sudden hug. "Uhm... Why are you hugging me?" Canada asks, he loves the hug but he's getting too red. "

I hug because I like you, and I'm showing Mya appreciation" Phil tells him with a bright smile. "Wh-when you hug... It means that you are thanking? And that you like that person?" Nada asks. Philip nods his head with a smile.

"I'llf*ckingmarryyou,justyou f*ckingwait" Canada whispered and said it fast for Phil to not understand.

"Did you say something, Nada?"

"No... Nothing...."

"The carrots are in the other fridge" Nada tells him. Nada then goes to grab a green apple to give to Philip. Phil Thanks him before washing the apple to eat it later.

"Oh don't worry, the apples don't have any wax on them, they are freshly picked from my tree outside" Canada says as eh points to the apple tree outside.

Phil is amazed to see a lot of trees, he didn't realize it earlier but these trees aren't like the trees that surround the whole forest.

"I'm not good at planting flowers but I am good at planting trees, specifically Maple trees" Canada tells him.

"Woah" Phil is very amazed. "They are beautiful aren't they?" Canada says with a proud smile. "Yes.... They are very... beautiful" Phil is stunned because of the beauty. "Mate why do you look like that? Don't tell me that it's the first time that you have seen a maple tree in real life" Canada says, jokingly.

"Yes, it's the first time I've seen a maple tree in real life" Philip tells him.

Canada is surprised.

"Ain't the world cruel?" Canada says.

"Hmm?" Phil looks at the tall man.

"It's cruel because they won't let a beautiful person see something so beautiful" Canada says to Philip.

Philip then laughs at the pick up line.

"What? I'm just stating facts!" Canada says with a smile as he joins Phil in laughing.

"Oh please!" "Wag mo Naman ako bolahin!" Phil says which confused Canada. "Huh?" Phil forgot that he doesn't know how to speak Tagalog. "I meant, don't praise me like that! It's kind of corny" Phil says to him.

"Still, it's still a fact!" Nada says proudly as Phil laughs again.

Phil then goes to the other fridge to see the carrots. As soon as Phil opened it, carrots fell down the floor. Phil's eyes widen at this. "I thought what you meant by much was ten carrots...." Phil doesn't know how to react. The whole fridge is filled with carrots... It's overflowing, when you open it, carrots will fall.

"Yeah.... I should have brought 400 apples instead" Canada says, regretting his choice of buying too much carrots.

"Nada.... What?! How much carrots did you buy!?" Phil asks him.

"I don't know.... 400? 500? 600?" Canada can't remember.

"This has to be a joke.... Nada why?! This is a waste... I can't eat all of this!" Phil tells him. "I'm grateful for the thought but it would be a waste since I cannot eat this much Carrot" Phil tells him.

(Countryhuman) Deep In The Forest (My Prey) (Human Animals AU)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora