iGet Sick

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Sam's POV :
I woke up to my alarm ringing. I hate the noise of it but it's the only one that makes me wake up so who cares? I got up when I suddenly felt nauseous. I sat back down quickly. After a minute I tried again and it was better. I decided to ignore it and got ready for school.

"Bye Mom!" I shouted as I walked out the door.

I didn't expect her to reply because she was still sleeping and everything but sober.

I took the bus to school and arrived in the main hall. I saw Carly and Freddie standing at our lockers. I quickly got over to them when I felt this nauseousness again. It was just for a second so I just ignored it again. It's probably just because I didn't have breakfast. It's already 8am and I haven't eaten anything for the whole day.

"Hey, Carls!" I greeted my best friend and hugged her quickly.

"Hey, pretty baby!" I said and walked over to my boyfriend all smiley. Damn, I got really soft because of him.

"Hello, Little Samantha!" he greeted back and we kissed for ten seconds.

The bell rang and we headed to our classes. Carly had French while Freddie and I were having Spanish.

After twenty boring minutes I felt nauseous again. Suddenly there was a cutting pain in my stomach. I hold onto it. Then the pain went up to my throat and- oh god! Without saying anything I ran outside the class room and opened the girl's bathroom. Just early enough I reached the toilet. What am I even throwing up? I haven't eaten anything in hours.

Freddie's POV :
Suddenly Sam ran outside the classroom. I wanted to go after.

I quickly raised my hand and made up a lie. "Umm... Mrs. Cavanaugh ... may I go to the toilet?"

She looked at me seriously. Of course she wouldn't believe me. But then she did something surprisingly. "Just go after her. But you two better be back soon with a good excuse."

She must've seen the worried look on my face. I smiled at her thankfully.

"Thank you. We'll be back in a minute." I said and went outside the hallway to find my girlfriend.

"Sam?" I shouted. "Sam, where are you?" But she didn't answer.

I searched almost everywhere when I saw the girls bathroom door standing open. I carefully got in and saw Sam puking in the toilet.

"Oh my god, Sam."

I ran to her and hold back her hair while I was rubbing circles on her back.

As she was done throwing up, she stood up.

"Sorry." she said.

She must've felt uncomfortable.

"It's okay, baby. Shh." I hugged her tightly.

We pulled away after a minute.

"Are you okay?" I asked, shooting her a worried look.

"I guess." she just answered.

"You better go home."

Seddie One shotsWhere stories live. Discover now