Start from the beginning

It snapped in half.

"Look I-."

"How was Pansy?" She finally looked up at him. "I saw her come out of your dorm. If you wanted to fuck her so badly then you should've just left me alone when I had to end things."

She knew she shouldn't have assumed, but she was so angry that Pansy was even in there in the first place. It was the main reason why she had gotten drunk and she was developing a huge headache, not to mention the throb in between her legs.

"Would you just shut the fuck up?" He spat walking closer to her. "I was making it clear that I only wanted you, and then I kicked her out. We didn't have sex."

She just glared at him with her natural resting bitch face, and then she looked back at her paper.

"Your acting like a brat."

"And your acting like an infuriating bitch!" She shouted, and she was getting up ready to leave until he stepped into the only walkway. Book shelf's surrounded them, and he was giving her the nastiest glare. "You. Left. Me."

His face almost- almost fell but he kept it up. "That doesn't give you the right to speak to me like that." He clenched his jaw and balled up his fists.

"Right." She rolled her tongue on the inside of her cheek, "Tell me. How does moaning my name feel?"

That sure made his face red. He was blushing out of embarrassment, and she just started to laugh. But he gripped her throat, and pushed her up against the bookshelf's, her back towards his chest.

When she felt his cold hands trail up her thighs, she stopped laughing and was now eager for him to touch her. Despite the fact that he put her through pain he was the only one who could please her and when his hand reached her underwear he stopped.

"Let me touch you." He whispered in her ear, his whole chest pressed against her back while she was up against the bookshelf. "I know you want me to."

He needs to stop going into my mind.

But, nonetheless, she was letting out a yes, that came out as a whimper. When the words left her lips he was using his other hand to draw out his wand and place a silencing spell on the little room they were in, and he threw it on the table, practically tearing her skirt down letting it pool beneath her socks.

His thumb looped around her underwear that was right above her cunt, and he pulled it down letting it slap back up, and she couldn't help the moan that escaped her mouth. He was pulling her underwear down, and she stepped out of her clothes, kicking them with her foot somewhere else.

His hand was right below her clit, and then he slapped it.

"You know I really hate it when you get drunk." He seethed into her ear, and she was whimpering at his hands almost touching her. She needed him, but it seemed like he was going to take his time with her. "Your never going to learn your lesson, Are you?"

Before she could answer, one of his fingers were grazing her entrance, barely sliding in but it gave her the smallest amount of pleasure. "Yes- Yes I will-."

He laughed.

He shoved his finger inside of her, her own lubricant making it easier for him to slide in and she was moaning into the bookshelf, gripping the edges of it. Only he didn't pull out- he held his finger inside of her and this only drove her crazy, her pussy clenching around it every three seconds to try and get some movement.

But it didn't work, she was now shoving her ass backwards, straight onto his crotch. He didn't take embarrassment this time, he only thrusted his hips into hers making her feel his erection against her bare ass cheek.

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