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I literally can't even describe how upset I am. Someone had to report it, and my stupid ass didn't save it anywhere else so I don't think I can upload it again. This actually made me wanna punch a wall, because the amount of effort I put into that book instead of my others was a lot to me. In my opinion it was the best writing I had ever done, and that makes me fucking mad.

But wattages testing me, because if I wanted to, I would write the whole book again without any hesitation. It may not be word for word, but I'll do it.😐


"What are you talking about?"

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"What are you talking about?"

"I would advise you to welcome your new divination teacher."

Rose listened to Mr. Malfoy ramble on about the new teacher Mrs. Greengrass. Rose couldn't look at her the same after last night, and she wasn't even paying attention until he saw something caught her attention.

"My girlfriend," Mr. Malfoy said blankly, staring at the kids in divination class.

Girlfriend? Rose couldn't help but laugh, and when she did her friends stared at her for a very long time until she calmed down. But then she noticed that the whole class was looking at her, and then she smiled widely at Astoria.

And Astorias face paled at the sight of Rose.

"Something you'd like to say, Ms. Cullens?" Mr. Malfoys voice boomed in the classroom and the class went deadly silent. Even Rose stopped laughing, because then she suddenly realized that he wasn't aware of what she knew.

She nodded her head, feeling the slightest bit of sympathy for him due to the fact that he gotten cheated on. The way he looked at Astoria made it look like he was utterly in Love, but what Rose failed to notice-

He hardly ever took his eyes off of her even though Astoria was in the same room.

Once he had gotten done with what he was saying he took a seat in the back of the class, his excuse was 'I don't have anything to do right now,' and knowing that he was sitting right behind Rose sent chills down her spine.

But she couldn't help thinking about how Mr. Malfoy would feel if he knew what Astoria had done. They were in a relationship, and obviously she wasn't very serious about it but Rose payed attention to how he interacted with Astoria.

But if there's one thing she learned; Mr. Malfoy is rude and does not seem like the type to have feelings.


Rose was making her way back to her dorm, and as soon as she stepped in the hallway of the prefects dorm she stopped dead in her tracks.

Mr. Malfoy leaving someone's dorm.

Her heart sort of stuttered. She didn't know why, but it did and as soon as they made eye contact he smirked. He fucking smirked.

"Looks like your the other dorm I was asking about," he laughed. But Rose didn't have a smile on her face, instead it was plastered with confusion.

"What are you talking about?" She asked him, now taking a step closer. Surely he was in another students dorm- because the headmaster wouldn't sleep in a dorm.

But oh was she wrong.

"I'm going to be staying in this dorm, Because of my own reasons. Don't flatter yourself, it's not for you." He chuckled again, and this made Rose just storm past him until he gently grabbed her arm back.

But she was snatching her arm back so fast that she hit herself and when she looked up at him she had a shocked face. She never let anybody touch her-unless it was her friends and even then it took a while to get where she was at now.

Everything. It took everything.

And the physical contact that they had made, made Rose almost break down. He wasn't rough with her- his movement was anything but rough but she was so damaged. The expression on his face was blank, and she took this as a chance to run into her dorm and shut it with a loud thump.

As soon as she closed that door she was walking into the shower and not even bothering to take off her clothes before turning the water all the way to hot and sitting inside of the little steamed filled square.

It shouldn't have meant that much- his touch shouldn't have hurt that much but that's what happens when your so violated that you can't handle any physical contact.

Flynn had ruined Rose. That was the most simplest way to put it. Her love language used to be touch- and now she can't even muster the confidence to tell her own friends a simple phrase that means everything. 'I love you.' They had said it so many times to Rose and she wanted to say it back but she just-couldn't.

Her skin was turning red, and she was leaning her head against the shower wall. She wasn't crying- she couldn't cry about anything anymore. Seeing him in the hallways meant so much to Rose because she wanted to murder him with her own hands.

She wished she could go back to when he acted like the sweet innocent guy he was.

"Hey! Rose!" Flynn called her from the courtyard.

She turned around with the brightest smile on her face, she had just turned seventeen and she was crushing on this guy hard. He walked up towards her, and layed his hand on her cheek so gently.

"Hi," Rose responded flustered. She leaned into his plan and smiled even harder.

"You look beautiful, any special accessions?" He joked and she laughed and gently shook her head. "It's almost six, can't wait to study with you."

She smiled even more. They had scheduled for every Monday's Wednesdays and Friday that they would study in the library, because Flynn was behind in potions.

"Me too," she said shyly.

Oh how she wished she hadn't took the opportunity to study in his dorm with him. She should've told him that they should've stayed in the library, but she wanted him to like her and as much as it pained her to say, she was completely oblivious to his actions.

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