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"Mr. Malfoy."

Rose hasn't looked at Mr. Malfoy at all.

It had been two weeks since they last talked and from then on, she never argued with anything Mr. Malfoy had said. Rather it was to write something stupid on the board or sit up straight it didn't matter to Rose.

But apart of her felt like he was telling her to do those things on purpose. Like he was playing with her feelings, trying to get a reaction out of her but she never let it work.

And she never stopped staring at him.

But today, she was going to speak with him. She had caught Astoria again last night, cheating on him and she didn't think he deserved it. Nobody deserves to get cheated on-unlike people like Flynn- but especially if the person in love with you.

And another thing Rose hated;

She never wanted to think about him loving Astoria.

She had begun to think that she had grown feelings for him, and they had barely even spoken. Surely she hadn't gained feelings this easily.. right?

Rose tucked in her white shirt into her skirt, and didn't care to put on shoes. She had her thigh high socks on, and she was opening her door to go out in the hallway and walk literally 10 feet to the dorm across from her.

Her tiny frail hands knocked on the door, and when she heard shuffling in the room, she kinda stood there awkward. She was fumbling with her fingers and when she heard footsteps approaching the door her breathe kind of hitched in her face.

But then it opened- and she was regretting her whole decision.

Mr. Malfoy stood in the doorway, tie loose and he barely had his shirt on. His trousers didn't have a belt on them, and what really stuck out to her was the hickey on his neck.

It was definitely fresh, and his ruffled hair showed everything. She didn't dare look at Astoria, but out of the corner of her eye she could see her sitting on his bed. Acting like she wasn't cheating on him.

"Ms- Ms. Cullens? I-."

"It's okay," she backed away, and settled with defeat. Her plump lips parted slightly. "I didn't mean to- to interrupt anything. My apologies," she tried to pull a faint smile, but she couldn't even tug at her lips at all.

"If there's something bothering you the-."

"No, no." Rose was clutching onto her skirt so tightly she thought she was gonna throw up.

He was about to have sex with her, and he didn't know that she was cheating on him. That was so wrong, and Rose wanted to say something- but seeing that hickey on his neck made something in her heart slightly shift. She didn't even know why she felt like this towards him, but she did and she couldn't stop it.

"I just- There's s-something that-."

"Babe, come back to bed!" She heard Astoria shout.

But Mr. Malfoy didn't even give her a single bit of attention, his face still focused on Roses. "Ms. Cullens you can te-."

For some odd reason she felt like crying. She was stuttering and she never stutters. "No I'm just- going." She huffed and turned straight back around to walk inside of her room, and shut her door gently.

When she was back in her room, she didn't feel like doing anything. She wanted to silently sulk in her covers because she couldn't get that feeling out of her heart to go away. She wanted so badly to tell him, but he made her heart hurt without either of them even realized it.

She was now turning back around, opening her door again, faster than ever causing it to slam against the wall. To her surprise, Mr. Malfoy was still standing there, and when he had seen her whirl around like that his eyes widened.

"Mr. Malfoy," Rose started easily.

"If you don't fucking tell me, I'm going back inside." He seethed.

She didn't even know how to tell him but she had too. She couldn't let him go inside there and just give her his body when she had been cheating on him. It wasn't right.

"She's cheating on you," she spoke so lowly she almost whispered. "You- You don't have to believe me but I've caught her twice now when doing my nightly rounds and I- I thought you should know."

His face was paling at an instance, and when she walked back inside of her dorm, she was still looking at. Before closing the door, she mumbled "I'm really sorry." She shut the door with a soft click, and slumped onto her bed.

She told him because she knew how it felt to give someone their body that they didn't deserve.


"Ree," she heard the faint voice of Louis down the hallways. Rose closed her book and layed it down, while her door creaked open and revealed Louis walking into her dorm.

By now, it had been three hours since she told Mr. Malfoy what she did. She couldn't get the image out of her head of him having a hickey on his neck. She felt bad for him, and she knew that he probably hated her but she didn't care.

"Yes, lulu," Rose raised her eyebrow, and he was jumping onto her bed. She almost flinched at his touch but quickly reminded herself that it was just Louis and that he would never hurt her.

He wasted no time to lay down, and she crawled in between his legs, pressing her hands on his chest and they connected their lips. It was more of a friendly make out- it doesn't mean anything they just want to kiss. They had never caught feelings for one another.

Louis' arms slid to Roses hips and she didn't mind. They moved there mouth in sync, and when he started to glide his tongue easily into her mouth she was shuffling on the bed and slightly sitting up again.

When she heard a knock on the door, she was about to pull away until Louis pulled her back and she almost moaned. His lips tasted good, she thought. But then-

The door barged open, and when Rose was pulling away gasping slightly, her head snapped backwards. She immediately pulled her skirt down that had rode up her thighs just above the part where her scars started.

Her eyes connected to a pair of silver hues, and Roses breathing stopped.

"The fuck is he doing here?" Louis asked, and he was rubbing small circles on Roses hip to sooth her. That always seemed to calm her nerves no matter what happened.

"Good question," Rose spat back, disgust laced in her voice. She didn't think she could ever get the image of him having a hickey on his neck out of her head.

Mr. Malfoys whole expression changed to from shocked to regret to anger all in the same second. "Boys aren't allowed in the girls dormitory." Mr. Malfoy seethed through his teeth, his jaw clenched harder than ever.

"Then what are you doing here?" Louis asked, raising his eyebrow at him, and when he glared at him Louis almost flinched in Roses grasp.

She slowly moved up and out of being in between his legs and smoothed her skirt down, now sitting on the edge of her own bed. "Well?"

"Fucking forget it," he snarled at her, and curled his lip up at her. "Detention, for the both of the you and you will be split up."

Rose rolled her eyes at his bitchy attitude, and when he caught sight of this he flared his nostrils out of anger. He looked furious with her, and just like that her door was slammed shut so hard that it caused some of Roses books to fall over onto the floor.

He almost looked-


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