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"Why are you crying

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"Why are you crying."

When Rose got her grades handed to her she almost shrieked out loud.


I'm failing divination with an exact 14.

She didn't know anybody with that low of a grade, and when Astoria had handed her that piece of parchment Rose wanted to slap her.

There was no way she was failing when all of her other grades were straight A's and she had never been bad at divination. How could you be bad at a subject like that?

You literally read fucking tea.

"This is bullshit," Rose slammed her paper back down on her desk and when the whole class looked at her like she was crazy she couldn't care less.

Her and Dracos split up had affected her, a lot. But she managed to keep up with her grades and she did not deserve a fourteen as a whole fucking grade.

"Something you'd like to say, Ms. Cullens? Or should I letter your parents again?" Astorias voice echoed in the room and Rose was digging her nails into her palms, drawing blood.

Rose just rolled her eyes, and when the bell finally rang she was shooting up out of her seat until Astorias faint voice called her back to stay after the class. Rose didn't want to stay after class, she wanted to take a hot shower and just be by herself where she didn't want to hide.

Louis gave her an apologetic smile, and then he was exiting the class. And as soon as he was out of the class like everyone else, Astoria was fuming towards Rose.

"Your failing me!" Rose shouted at her. "All because I caught you cheating your boyfriend and I told him!"

"You think your something special to him?" Astoria spat out and Rose just flared her nostrils out of anger because she really did hate Astoria. "You think that he'd choose you over me-."

"He certainly did when his dick was buried inside of me," Rose taunted and raised an eyebrow. The look Astoria was giving her would've killed her if looks could kill.

Rose could not believe she had actually lettered her parents. She wasn't even supposed to find out that she had any parents. So for her to go and personally try to find the parents she said she didn't have made Rose even more angry than she should've been. But it's a line of respect.

Astorias face dropped, and the next thing that left her mouth made Rose want to cry.

"He was using you for body, and for you to fuck your own headmaster sounds like your a whore. You should do us all a favor, and just kill your self."


Rose didn't even look back before turning around and heading straight for the door.

She was wearing one of Dracos button up shirts, that were long sleeves. They covered the scars that she put on her wrist instead of her thighs because she wouldn't dare cover up his initials that were engraved in her skin. She also had joggers on, because she didn't care about the school uniform anyways.

She was far to exhausted for any of that, and the words that Astoria had said really got to her. Rose hated that she was letting her tears fall, because she wasn't the type to cry but here she was, letting what Astoria said get to her because every little thing lately had been getting to her.

It had been two weeks since she last saw Draco and it was driving her insane. So she slit her wrists and burned her skin the shower and body shamed herself. She didn't know how else to cope other than bashing herself and using drugs and self harm.

When she reached her hallway to her dorm she froze in her exact position.

Her tears didn't stop flowing, but her body stayed still at the sight of Draco exiting his dorm for the first time. He looked terrible, bags under his eyes and his nose was all pink.

Was he crying?

The thought made Roses heart hurt, but when he caught sight of the shirt she was in, her cheeks turned pink.

"Ro- Ms. Cullens," he gulped. Please don't say that. Please call me my name, I'm begging you too- "Are you okay-."

Rose was shaking her head, and she slowly started to move closer trying to get past him and sulk by herself. How could she tell him that his ex just told her to kill herself? That nobody wants her here? That she implied that nobody would sob there eyes if Rose did actually do it.

Draco would.

"Why are you crying." He demanded, and when she was shaking her head no, to suggest that nothing had happened he was inching closer to her. "Don't tell me nothing, you've clearly been sobbing."

"Glad you fuck- fucking noticed." She wiped her nose with his sleeve and looked away, having the same attitudes she's always had. Her eyes began to burn, and she just wanted to get some sleep.

I want to fall asleep in your arms.

It's what she wanted to say, but she didn't. "I'm not messing around. Tell me what happened." He seethed, and now he was walking towards her while another tear leaked out of her eyes. "Tell me, or I'll something you don't want me too."

He was directly in front of her, and she couldn't even stop herself.

She was pushing past him, and running into her dorm room letting out her sobs while slamming the door shut. It was embarrassing to cry in front of someone. She didn't want to ever cry in front of him either.

And as soon as she shut the door, he was pounding on it. Begging her to open the door and it hurt her heart so bad.

"Please, Rose." He begged, and he slid down her door on the opposite side of the door, sobbing.

Draco Malfoy, was sobbing.

That's when she finally decided to open the door.

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