Fatal Attraction

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What if, what if he tried to kill her too?? And to top of it, she doesn't like how his touch felt on her. She tried to remove her hand from his but felt his grip tighten even more. She winced feeling slight pain on her wrist and stopped struggling. 

She clutched her hand to herself and rubbed her wrist softly as soon as he left her hand. She turned around to give Vansh a piece of her mind when she saw him latching the door and pulling the curtains. Her heart started hammering loudly and her whole body shivered in fear. What the hell is he doing?? 

He turned to look at her as soon as he closed all the curtains of the room and she flinched back at his look. He's definitely mocking her but there is something else in his eyes. Something scary. She moved back as he started coming towards her with a weird glint in his eyes. She just hope he's not going to kill her today. 

She stopped in shock as she felt a wall behind her back and he kept on coming close to her. She almost got a heart attack as he stopped very close to her. She looked away from him unable to even look at him. 

What were you doing there??

She took a deep breath as she felt his breath on her face as he asked the question. She moved towards left, to leave from here, but he blocked her way. She moved towards right, and he moved too, blocking her way. She looked up and saw a challenging glint in his eyes. She sighed as she realized that he's not going to believe her this time. 

Why.......why would I be in the garden??

She said moving back as much as she could totally sticking to the wall but he moved ahead too and she sucked in a breath almost panicked. He's not even touching her, in fact he's standing in front of her with both of his hands in his pockets. But she felt as if he's actually touching her. 

I am sure you don't like red roses that much.

She closed her eyes as he said that and moved more close to her. That's it. She can't handle him being this close to her. 

You're right. I wasn't there for gardening.

She said and sighed as he moved away from her and looked at her amused. He raised his eyebrows again and she took a deep breath looking away from him. She has to tell at least something to him. 

I was there to..........to find the evidences of Ragini's murder.

She said and saw him looking at her with a harsh look. She stood stiff as he came towards her again. She gripped the wall's side behind her as he put her hair behind her ear. She looked down feeling fear ran through her whole body. 

Leave Ragini, and think about yourself Riddhima. Why do you always trust everyone apart from me. Why such enmity sweetheart??

She gulped as she looked at the anger in his eyes.  She knows he's trying to scare her. But even if he kills her, she's not going to stop.

In fact you're not even taking care of yourself properly. You're precious sweetheart!! don't neglect yourself like this.

She looked at him startled at his words as he moved back again and looked at her with a slight smile. This murderer is going to get the punishment of his deeds no matter what. She's not going to get trapped in his traps. 

You.....you're trying to intimidate me, but it won't work. I will find out the truth.

She said looking at him determined and saw him laughing at her. What the hell!!


Vansh shook his head at the audacity of the girl in front of him. No one ever dared to talk to him like this, and no one ever will. She'll understand soon enough about the consequences of her deeds. But he can't behave with her the same way as he behave with others. 

RiAnsh OS Collection (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin