giant sleepover

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*wendys p.o.v*

after having a long talk about my date with cole, to the girls, I decided it was time for me to go to bed, it was late so I told the girls they could stay the night if they wanted to.

the next morning I was woken up by my phone ringing.

"hello..." I said still half asleep

"wendy.. did I wake you? " I sounded like cole

"yeah, but its fine I had to get up for work anyways" I told him

"oh I sorry... um could you come see me and the boys at the main office, we have a little problem..." he told me

"yeah im on my way" I said. right after getting ready I walked up to the main office to see all the boys there and the old woman didn't look too happy...

"hey guys, whats going on?" I asked

"well wendy, we actually have more then one problem" the woman said

"it seems that teenagers were caught racing golf carts around the campground last night..." she continued

"ok... and why do you assume it was them?"

"oh it wasn't just them, your little friends too. we have people who said they saw about 8 teens yesterday racing there carts.... couldn't have been you and this young man cause you guys were out on your date last night with your winnings." she said pointing to cole

"and who are these people who claim to have seen them and the girls driving the carts?" I asked her starting to get mad

"Im sorry but that is confidential, we are not aloud to give out names." she responded

"ok then can you show me the proof you have on us because just from one persons point of view, doesn't mean it was them" I told her

"well we don't exactly have any..." she said knowing I had won this battle. I smiled knowing she couldn't do anything

"well then if you don't have any proof then you cant blame them for it, there are other teens in this campsite... why not talk about the owners kid and his friends..." I was about to walk out the door until she stopped me.

"ok, fine but we still have one more problem concerning these 5 boys" she said pointing to IM5

"fine what is it?" I asked still annoyed

"there manager, only booked them to stay here until today... so either they pay for the rest of the summer, find somewhere to stay or they leave" she said smiling thinking she had won this one

"oh that's fine they already have somewhere to stay" she looked at me confused but so did the boys " they are staying with me" I said and walked out the boys following behind me.

"wendy you don't have to do that" Will said

"yeah, we could have called our manager and told her what was going on" Dalton continued

"guys its fine, I don't mind. it will be like a huge sleep over for the rest of the summer" I told them walking back to there cabin to get there stuff. after getting everything we walked back to my place and the girls had already left.

"thanks again wendy, this means a lot" dana said to me after putting his things down. we all agreed on where they would sleep, Dalton and Dana would share the spare room, Will would use the couch, Gabe said he would take the table that turns into a bed and cole would share with me, since he already stayed here with me once. for the rest of the rest of the day I had to work, my boss had kept me late... by the time I got back to my place it was 10pm and I was tired... I walked into the trailer and saw the boys watching a movie.

"hey wendy want to come watch a movie with us?" gabe asked

"no thanks im kinda tired from work, so im going to go to bed I will see you guys in the morning." I said and walked to my bed, I don't even think it took me 10 mins and I was asleep.

a trip to Canada *Cole pendery*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat