Into His Eyes

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Thank goodness it's Saturday , I could not handle another second of social interaction.

I had zero motivation to get out of bed, I exhaled and proceeded to pull myself out of bed, and into the bathroom.

I had no energy to even reach for the toothbrush, it took so much out of me to even slather the paste on.

I finished off in the bathroom, and I headed to my closet. I looked back and fourth through my closest, but nothing caught my eye. So what I did was put some high waisted leggings, and a long sleeve sweater.

I headed downstairs to prepare myself breakfast, once energy.... I grabbed an apple and that was enough.

Not a single thing interested me, I grabbed my phone and laid back into my bed. I scrolled through my instagram, I saw all these people from school, happy, and enjoying their lives.

I shut my phone off and threw it across the room. I curled up my knees to my chest, and I started to go feel faint. Next thing I know I was gasping for air, I didn't even notice what was happening, I was afraid, I started crying non stop.

A few minutes passed, I caught my breathe, but I felt empty inside. I didn't think this would happen again, last time it happened was when my mother said she was leaving my father.

It was uncontrollable, I felt helpless. I stayed inside my room for the next 5 hours. My mother would come once in a while to check in me but I wouldn't respond.

It was 9pm and I had the studded urge to go outside. I know my mother would not allow it, so what I did was sneak out my window. Don't worry I do this all the time.

I grabbed a few things I would need, and I stepped outside my window, and hopped off.

I had no transportation but it didn't matter, walking calmed my nerves. I grab my headphones, plug them in, and put my phone in my pocket.

I was craving something sweet, so I walked to the nearest dinner.

I was directed to my seat, I took a few minutes to look at the menu. I ended up figuring out my order, it was perfect. Two slices of french toast, with strawberries, powdered sugar, and syrup, a side of eggs, a side of fries, and a chocolate milkshake.

I had some water to begin with while I waited for my order.

I look at the entrance door, and there he is again, Giovannie. He was walking in with his friends. I DID NOT want him to see me, so I switched to the other side of the table, facing away from him.

Here came my food, it looked so beautiful, I was starving. I started to eat and shove it down my throat, LITERALLY.

I see a body in the corner of my eye approaching me.

"Could I get some more syrup please?" I said with a full mouth of french toast.

"Haha... I don't work here" Giovannies deep voice responds chuckling.

I quickly turn around and see him, automatically I was embarrassed.

"May I?" he said as he gestured to the chair in front of me.

I didn't know what to say, I couldn't say anything, after all I had a mouthful of food. I looked at him, and he sat down.

"Look, I saw you over here all alone, and I thought you needed some company" Giovannie said.

I gulped down my food, following with some water.

"No, you look, I don't need anyone's company." I replied.

"Hey what is you're problem? I don't even know who you are" he replied.

I looked into his eyes, his light brown eyes, and sighed.

"Ok look, I'm sorry, its not you ok? It's me," I added.

"I know we didn't get off to a great start but, hey I'm Gio, Giovannie" he said while raising his hand to shake mine.

I smiled and I introduced myself as well, this was a new start.

He looked at me, he stared for a minute then said, "Ok you don't have to answer but, why did you say that the another day, when I saved you? Are you ok, is there something you need?"

I looked at him in disbelief, I couldn't believed someone actually cared about how I was doing. His friends started to yell at him from the booth across the dinner, telling him to hurry on back. He looked back at them, and then he looked at me.

He hollered back to his friends, "Nah, I think I'm good over here."

He smiled at me, and I smiled back. I couldn't believe this just happened.

"You should get back to you're friends" I said.

He pulled my plate towards him and took my food and started eating it.

"Mind if I have some?" he said while having a smug look on his face.

I laughed and shook my head yes. We ended up ordering more food, because it was certainly not enough for the both of us.

We talked the whole night, after we finished eating everyone in the dinner was gone. When I was with him, it felt like the world went quite around me. I felt comfortable him, for the first time with anyone, I actually talked to him.

I said goodbye and got up from my seat. He grabbed me by my wrist and insisted he give me a ride home.

"For all I know you could be a serial killer" I said laughing.

Gio responded, "I guess we'll find out, now come on let me give you a ride home, it's late."

I looked at him memorized by his smile, and I gave in.

"Fine" I responded.

We walked to his car, and he opened the door for me, like what?!? Who does that? I jumped in with a smile, I couldn't wipe off.

He played some music, so it wouldn't be so awkward. He played all of my favorite music, one after the other, I couldn't resist, I started singing.

He chuckled and kept his eyes on the road. I placed my arm on the arm rest. He didn't notice my hand and he put his right next to mine. I noticed his, and his pinky touched mine, we looked at each-other for a split second, then he put his hand back on the steering wheel.

We made it to my house, I opened the door and started walking. He ran after me, I turned around, and we both stood in front of each-other.

"I just wanted you to know, I had fun tonight, even if I wasn't invited" Gio said.

"I did too, I'm sorry about before, I shouldn't have treated you like that, you didn't deserve it" I replied

"No worries" he said as he started walking to his car.

"Thanks for saving my life!" I whispered.

He smiled and said, "Anytime."

I opened the door and walked into my house quietly, I close the door and pressed my back against it. I was thinking about what just happened, it felt like a dream.

I smiled and headed off to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2021 ⏰

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