Not so Unfortunate

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I look in the mirror at least 100 times or even more, and I stare at myself. I look at all my imperfections, and decide that I am ugly and not worthy of being loved. That is all that goes through my mind 24/7.

Each day feels like an eternity, I wake up, I brush my teeth, I put on some clothes, I do my hair, and I leave for school. It's a cycle and it NEVER ends, I am sick of it.

This morning was extra shitty, so I put some sweats on and a hoodie. I go to the bathroom to comb and brush my teeth.

Usually I'd take the bus to school, but I had extra time so I decided to walk. I put my headphones in and put on my sad playlist. The music was blasting of course. I had to shut the noise out, I had to shut the world out.

I got to the cross walk, and I could give a damn if I looked both ways. So I put one foot in front of the other and I stepped onto the street.

I couldn't hear anything since my music was blasting.

All of a sudden I feel two gigantic hands pull me from my waist away from the cross walk, I gasped and fell onto the floor.

The car passed by so fast it was gone within seconds.

He pulled me away so hard that my headphones and phone fell out of my pocket. I was sitting on the floor for a split second and I see his hand again, reach towards me.

I saw his hand, and I was going to use it to help myself up, but I was annoyed.

So I got back up on my own, and dusted myself off. I looked up at him but he didn't look familiar.

"Why the hell did you pull me so damn hard?!" I said annoyed.

"Well why the hell weren't you paying attention to the road?? You could have gotten yourself killed. Did you not hear the car coming??" he staggered.

"And what about it? What's the worst thing that could happen? Coming out of it alive?" I yelled irritated.

He stared at me, surprised from what I just said. I roll my eyes and I walk away, continuing my way to school.

I turned the corner of the entrance of my school, and I walked in. Staring at all the people I don't like. If I had the choice I wouldn't even be here.

I walk to my first period, I open the door and I sit in the back. I put in my headphones again, and I pull my hoodie over my head, and I lay my head on my arms.

Class would begin in 20 minutes, so I waited quietly, listening to my music. Students began to walk into the classroom and it got louder, and louder. I could barely hear my music anymore, so I was left annoyed.

Without talking to anyone I stared straight forward in the classroom.

It was 2 minutes before the bell, and I see this person from the corner of my eye walk in. It was him, the guy who supposedly saved me. He saw me, I quickly looked away.

He walked up to Mrs. Zellia to ask where to sit, but she introduced him to the class first.

"This is our new student, Giovanni Reid. I want you all to treat him like you would treat one of your current classmates. There are two seats open, one in the front next to Dylan and one in the back next to Amora. You choose where you would like to sit Giovanni." Mrs. Zellia cheerfully said.

He glanced at Dylan then he looked back at me.

Next thing you know he's walking down the aisle of desks towards me.

I roll my eyes and look forward.

He kept staring at me but I would not look back at him. He dropped his backpack on the floor next to his desk, and sat in his chair.

He gave me one last stare, and proceeded to look forward and listen to Mrs. Zellia.

I Let Him InOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora