Should he still be Spider-man?

It always seems like the people he cares about are in danger. No matter how hard he tries, he can't protect all of them at once. First it was his Uncle Ben, then it was his friends in Washington, and now it's Tony, the only father figure he had left.

Ever since the Civil War, as the public was calling it, he had noticed how Tony had gone back into a depressive state, staying quiet and becoming very protective of Peter, even to the point where he had to take his suit away.

He shuddered at the thought.

He had started to doubt himself and his "superhero capabilities". He was scared to let down Mr. Stark, and he didn't want him know he had still gone after the Vulture and ended up almost dying.

He hadn't wanted Mr. Stark to have that on his shoulders. He had been going through enough already.

But then they had the meeting, he revealed he was Spider-man and how he got trapped under a building, and now the Avengers supposedly hate him.

No, they officially hate him. 

How was he going to explain this to them? 

Well, technically he already had but...

Holy crap, he had fought with Captain America and the Winter Soldier.

He was dead. He was so dead.

He wanted to kick himself for being so stupid. He had revealed his secret identity to people who didn't necessarily care about secret identities.  He knew that they had a reputation for people knowing who was under the mask, or cape,

And now they knew he was. All of them did. They could hunt him down, tell him to quit, lecture him for being unprepared and too young.

Okay, maybe only Tony would do that but still.

Speaking of the devil, he heard a door slam open and in walked Tony freaking Stark.

Peter! Why the hell did you do that?!"

"Do what?" He asked groggily.

"Why did you let that guy shoot you?!" Tony screamed.

"He only had one bullet left. Might as well have been me."

Tony stared at him shocked, his mouth hanging open.

"W-what?" He stammered.

"One bullet. I can hear it since I've gotten used to the sound. And I have enhanced healing so I'd be able to heal faster than you would."

"You've gotten the sound?"

"Yeah. Being Spider-man isn't all fun and games. I've been shot, stabbed, tasered, poisoned, drugged, and just recently, shot with a poisoned bullet which is new. No idea how he was able to shoot that."

"WHAT?!" Tony shrieked. 

Peter covered his ears, wincing at the sound like it was metal scraping on metal.

He had forgotten how loud Tony could be. He had become so used to the endless quiet of the room, he didn't expect Tony to start screaming like a banshee.

"Sorry kiddo," he heard Tony apologize over the ringing in his ears.

Peter shook his head, trying to tell him it's not his fault while also trying to stop the sound in his head.

He slowly calmed his breathing as the noise receded and he stared at Tony, who was still talking.

"I think they're going to want to come in here and talk to you. Even Steve. They won't come if you say no, I just think it will be better if-"

"They can come in. They deserve to know why I'm not dead."

He saw Tony recoil at his words, but he didn't say anything as he went and opened the door that led into the Med-Bay. The first thing he heard was Sam's voice echoing off the walls. 

"So are we finally going to get an explanation?"

"Yes," Tony answered, "but please don't-"

"We get it Stark," he heard Nat respond before they came into view. 

"Are you guys okay?" Peter asked staring at the growing team of heroes, some of them bruised or sporting a couple scratches.

"Okay?!" Scott hollered, "You just got shot. We're fine!"

"That's exactly what I said not to do," Tony muttered.

Steve patted Scott in the back before pulling a chair beside Peter's bed. Peter could see the the way Tony wanted to object, but Rhodey held his hand firmly on his shoulder.

"Listen Peter," Steve started and Peter cringed. It was wrong hearing his name his name in full, especially because it reminded him of the times he would be lectured or be scolded by Tony. Not particularly a happy memory.

He thought back to after the ferry, when he lost his suit. He shivered remembering Tony's words, not that he listened to them because he almost ended up getting killed when he didn't, and that was often.

"You good kid?" He heard Steve call, shaking him out of his thoughts.

"Y-yeah I'm good," Peter replied shakily.

"I was just saying that you are a brave kid and no one should have to go through this at such a young age. But that doesn't mean you should start picking sides. You should probably do what you're good at and be the friendly neighborhood Spider-man. I know Tony would agree. With great power comes great responsibility."

Steve's words filled Peter with anger. He knew he was just trying to help, but the venom in his voice clearly shone through. And the way he twisted Uncle Ben's words...He just didn't get it did he?

"Listen Captain, I understand you think I'm incapable. I've been told that enough to know you're right. But one, I wasn't picking sides, Mr. Stark showed up and recruited me. I didn't know what I was getting myself into and I now I know it was a stupid decision."

Steve looked taken aback. He definitely didn't see that coming from a kid. A kid who had been shot no less.

"And two, don't tell me I shouldn't have to go through this because I've made enough mistakes and seen too many people die to know that what I'm going through is nothing compared to losing somebody you love. I've seen people mourn, I've seen people die. So go ahead and try to convince me I shouldn't be doing this when so many people's lives are on the line. Because when you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you."

Peter let out a breath he didn't know he was holding as he watched everyone in the room go still. 

"Kid," Tony whispered, his eyes reflecting Peter's pain.

"I-I'm sorry I just...I need to go."

The Avengers watched in horror as Peter ripped the IV's from his arm and bolted towards the door, his injuries forgotten.

Steve turned to Tony, whose eyes were still trained on the door Peter had bolted through, and sighed.



Wow. What a way to end today's chapter! Let's all hear it for Peter Parker's emotional speech!

*quiet clapping and coughing*


Thank you so much!! I'll be updating soon!

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