Script #1: Misunderstood

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Trigger Warning!:






A teenage girl, RYAN, sits at the end of the table, using her fork to push the food back and forth across her plate, not eating. A younger boy, AYDEN, sits at her side eating his food quickly. Next to the boy are RYAN'S parents, ALISA and TY who are about 40-50 years old. Across from ALISA and TY are two older people probably in the 60's or 70's. The older man, EDDIE, has already cleaned his plate and leans back sipping at a glass of water. The woman next to EDDIE, HAZEL, laughs as she takes a few bites of food, enjoying the time with her family. Two men, JACK and MILO, in their 30s sit at the end of the table, laughing with HAZEL.

AYDEN: More! More! More! I want more!

ALISA: Calm down, Ayden, there's plenty more where that came from. Why don't you run off and go get some more?

AYDEN: Okay!

(AYDEN takes his plate and goes to the kitchen)

ALISA, turns to her daughter, RYAN: Ryan, sweety, why aren't you eating your dinner?

RYAN: I'm just not very hungry. I had too much food helping cook all of this.

ALISA: I want to see you eat more, RYAN. You and your Grandpa spent a lot of hours making this Thanksgiving dinner for the family, I don't want to see it go to waste.

RYAN: I'm not hungry, mom.

ALISA: Oh, I'm sorry, did you think I was asking?


ALISA: Eat your food, Ryan. I don't want you to become a walking twig.

RYAN: Okay.

HAZEL: Your mother's right you know, Ryan. You've got to grow big and strong so that you can bear children one day and please your husband.

RYAN: I-I don't really want to have children of my own when I'm older though.

(HAZEL and ALISA laugh)

ALISA: Oh, young, naive, daughter, that'll change one day. After all, it's your duty to have children and continue the Montgomery blood-line.

RYAN: B-But, I'm not really interested in that kind of thing.

HAZEL: Not interested in that kind of thing? Honey, please, you're a teenage girl, there's nothing you're interested in more. I was just like you once, young and naive. You'll come to accept your role in society over time.

ALISA: Exactly, Ryan, listen to, Hazel.

RYAN: I guess...What about Ayden, though? Couldn't he continue our family legacy?

ALISA: Well, yes, but it is your duty as a woman to carry a child and raise a child.

HAZEL, nodding in agreement: Mhm, mhm. And, my son Jack is already gay so we won't be getting any children from him and Milo. Therefore, you and your brother have to make up for his homosexuality.

RYAN: What? But I thought you support Uncle Jack and Milo.

JACK: She does, Ryan. She allows us to love whoever we want. She just also wants more grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

RYAN: Oh...So, Grams, you support homosexuality and all of that?

HAZEL: Sure, I do, sweet girl. You can't choose the people you love, so why should I be against it?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2021 ⏰

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