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Start from the beginning

Marlene watched as motorized spiked wheels rolled down the field, taking out warriors in its path. Marlene flew that way, landing in front of them with a loud snarl leaving her lips as she portaled people away from the monstrous weapons. She could see Natasha and Rocket around just before she saw Loki fighting with Thor. She smiled at the scene.

Marlene was close enough to destroy the spiked wheels, and before she could, Wanda landed next to her.

With a smile, the sisters said softly, "Together."

Marlene and Wanda both took a wheel, sending it at the aliens and easily making sure they would not power up again. Red on one while blue and yellow were on the other. Marlene felt a piece of her heart fill at the sight of Wanda's proud face when they were down.

Okoye, a warrior from Wakanda, yelled at Natasha, "Why was she up there all this time?"

Marlene grinned before she turned at Sam's voice calling, "Guys, we got a Vision situation here."

"Somebody get to Vision!" Steve yelled next.

Marlene looked at Wanda. "We need to go," she said, both witches flying in the direction of Vision.

"On our way," Wanda called before someone took out Wanda. "Keep going!" Wanda shouted to Marlene.

Marlene shot off like a racing bullet as she landed next to the Hulkbuster suit and Vision. Vision bowed his head painfully at her, and she remembered her last conversation with him was how much she was angry that she had no choice in where the Mind Stone was. She had made him think she hated her.

"Vision, come on," Marlene said as Bruce occupied the angry alien. Helping Vision stand, she reached over and almost touched the stone on his head—leaving a small space that was enough to use her powers. He gasped as she transferred some strength into his weak body.

Another alien came out of nowhere, grabbing Vision's shoulder before Marlene had a chance to take a breath. She turned herself invisible as she saw the alien putting a blade to Vision's chest.

"I thought you were formidable, machine. But you're dying, like any man," the creature sneered before Marlene had conjured her own blade and took out the creature just as Steve had ran over to see her materializing in thin air. As the creature fell, Marlene went back to Vision.

"Get him outta here!" Steve yelled to Marlene.

Marlene watched as another monster began to attack Steve. Marlene turned to see Vision standing shakily. She grabbed his arm with a sigh, saying, "I need you to let me portal you somewhere safe."

"Where is safe?" Vision murmured. "Unless he is dead, Thanos will not stop. I know you care more about the stone than my—"

"No, Vis," Marlene said, eyes pleading. "I can't let Wanda lose you, too. I can't let the Avengers lose one their best additions. I don't care about the damn stone anymore. It's you that needs to be safe."

Vision stared at her in awe for a moment befor his eyes flickered to Steve. "Take it," Vision muttered finally. "You can take it... w-without killing me."

Marlene's eyes widened at his statement before he knelt in front of her. "Please, Marlene. We cannot waste time."

Wanda landed next to them with panicked eyes. "What? What are you doing to him?"

Marlene whispered, "I'm going to take it out of him."

"You'll kill him!" Wanda yelled brokenly.

"No," she whispered. "No, I won't."

Waving her hands in the air, Wanda and Vision watched as yellow swirled around until an almost exact replica formed of the stone. Placing it in Wanda's awaiting hands, she then raised her hands to Vision's forehead.

Steve fell next to them, eyes flickering between the trio with fear.

Murmuring in a language that was foreign to all ears, they all watched as Marlene's eyes closed and she called for something. Out of her finger tips were white rays of light, aimed at Vision's stone. Wanda grabbed Steve's arm as Vision grunted in pain.

"He's here," Vision strained. "Hurry."

Marlene's hand shook as the Mind Stone flew from Vision's head toward Marlene as she placed the new stone she created in its place. The new stone had her powers embedded into it, still giving Vision something as she took back her stone.

Gasping, Vision fell over into Wanda as Marlene fell to her knees as the Mind Stone hovered above her hand.

Marlene felt the air change, knowing he was there. She sent the stone to the same place as the Tesseract as she turned to meet the purple freak's gaze.

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