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Sometimes people need to know when to give up.

When to stop trying with other people-

When to start trying with people,

But they don't know how to.

They don't always know what's best for a person,

Even if they think that they do.

They don't know people, because they always change.

People are always evolving, and adapting to new things.

People dissapoint you,

Especially when you need them the most.

They don't mean to-

But people are not perfect,

And sometimes too much is expected from them.

So people should not expect too much from each other.

People should strive to be better,

People should work on themselves before working on each other.

The main fault is within ourselves.

We are imperfect,

But perfect in ourselves.

Is that all that matters?


Or is there something else?

Anything else

That we can fix?

Don't worry if u don't get it,

All these stories/poems are, by the way, based on a mixture of real life and fiction.

Just thought u should know :)

Hope u enjoyed

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