< How I Critique >

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*Disclaimer: For long chapters, I go section through section. So the format may not be the same as I'm presenting below.

For those of you interested in a Critique, this is the format that I follow. I sometimes slip in some proofreading ( where I point out any grammar mistakes, punctuation, and inconsistencies). But that only happens if a line really interrupts my reading and makes it hard to read.

Critiques are done chapter by chapter.

❦❧ How I do it ❦❧

□ Positive Feedback

- I point out what I liked about the chapter and some specific instances that I enjoyed.

- It varies. Whether it's a line, voice, tone, descriptions, etc. It depends on what are evidently your strengths.

- I usually like to repeat this feedback in order to make a point in the 'negative' part of the critique.

□ Pointing out the problems

- What I do when I critique is make notes as I read. Whatever jumps out at me first is written down.

- As I tell you about the problems I encounter, I add in suggestions. Not all of the points will have suggestions.

- I pull out examples from published works. This is done mostly with the objective of making my notes clearer. The books I pull examples out of are relatively 'new'. Think, Six of Crows, A Series of Unfortunate Events, Maze Runner, etc.

- My tone may sound harsh. But this is for the purpose of clarity. While I feel like it may sound too blunt at times, please know that it's better to be direct rather than run circles before I get to the point. I'm not seeking to be cruel.

□ Wrap-up

- I will summarize the points in an ending paragraph. Both good and bad.


That is all! I would like to add that I know how scary it can be getting your work critiqued. But I do try to be as gentle and encouraging as possible!

I do recommend you get the perspective of more readers. There's no better way to catch an inconsistency than more pairs of eyes.

I would also add in that sometimes, personal opinion does influence a lot of what is pointed out. That's why I would prefer you reach out to more people. That way you can see if things are either personal preference or truly a problem in your work that you should fix.

Hope I can help! And please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you would like to go over my critique. I would be more than happy to clarify anything.

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