A Final Memento

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Rico Pov~

I swing through the city streets with the titan hunting squad behind me, "Where's Captain Y/n!" one of the soldiers calls out to me, "I'm not sure!" I respond. We've already cleared most of the titans in the city, I know this because we haven't seen a single one in thirty minutes. "We've been at it for hours, surely we've cleared them out by now right Team Leader?" one of the soldiers' questions, "Most likely, the cannons have been silent for a while and we haven't seen one in a while so we might be cl-" I am cut off when I turn a corner and am met with a massive Titan face mere inches in front of my own. "SHIT!!" I exclaim as it swings at me but I manage to evade its massive hand as it smashes the side of the roof of a building. I manage to evade the attack but the debris of the building explodes in the air and pelts me and my team, knocking some of us out of the sky, myself included. I crash into the ground and roll to the side, narrowly dodging the titan stepping on me and crushing me. The squad members who are still in the air start to circle around the titan, disorienting it while another member flies behind it and slices its nape. As soon as the titan falls, three more appear behind it. "Shit there's more! Watch out!" I scream at the soldiers in the air, "Huh?" one of them questions as one of the Titans swats him out of the sky and into the side of a building, reducing him to nothing but a bloody splatter on the wall. "Damn you!" I exclaim as I jump to my feet and fly into the air, I fire an anchor into the titan behind the one who killed my comrade and as I soar past it, I slice its eyes, blinding it. I reel my line into the other titan and bounce off of its forehead, back to the first titan and while it holds its eyes in pain, I cut into its nape with my pairing swords and kill it. "Team Leader behind you!" one of the soldiers exclaims, I look back to see the titan I had bounced off reaching for me, its massive hand is all I can see as it starts to enclose around me. Before the Titan can fully grab me, I hear the sound of ODM gear fly above me and then the sound of flesh being sliced. "YAAAAA!!!" a familiar voice screams as the fingers of the titan are severed and I am pulled out of its palm. It happens so fast that I don't even realize what's happened until I'm gently set down on the roof of a building. "Catch your breath" Y/n says quickly as he leaps off the roof and attacks the titan that nearly killed me. The titan swings at him but he flips over its arm, lands on top of it, leaps into the air and pierces the titan's eyes with his swords.

Y/n leaps into the air, replaces his blades and with a burst of gas, he flies down at the titan

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Y/n leaps into the air, replaces his blades and with a burst of gas, he flies down at the titan. He spins the right blade around so he's holding it backwards and as soon as he makes contact with the titan, he's a blur of blood, steel and steam as he spins unbelievably fast around the titan, cutting into its flesh faster than I've ever seen anyone cut a titan before.

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Birds in a Cage (Male Reader X Attack on Titan) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now