We'll Be A Fine Line

Start from the beginning

The lights turn on as he runs towards the fans and the heavy instruments start blaring. Have I listened to any of his songs?

No. Only Sign of The Times and Kiwi.


Because I don't need to and also because I wasn't thinking about his music at the time. Big difference between Harry Styles and just Harry.

And plus, I'm listening to it now.

Harry puts his arms in the air, signalling for the fans to scream louder than ever. He then blows them kisses and does the sign language for thank you.

He starts floating around the stage, my heart pumping from the thrill of the first second of the show.

He looks at me and smirks again.

"Open up your eyes, shut your mouth, and see"

He grips onto the microphone and starts singing. His hair bounces up and down, as I stare at his jaw in awe. It's shaped like an angle. Why is he so perfect?

The light reflects off of the edge of his side profile making him look like an angel. Pun not intended. 

He then takes his hand and puts them behind his back, moving the jacket out the way. Everyone screams even louder. 

I bop up and down to the song, enjoying it before it gets annoying. Not saying it's an annoying song as it's not but, I'll be listening to it months on end and that could get a tiny bit annoying. 

He turns to me. Harry, I'm not the crowd.

"Couldn't take you home to mother in a skirt that short," 

He looks directly to my bottom half of the dress and then his eyes flicker at my blushing face then back to the crowd.

I watch as his dimples appear, him smiling. I smile at him, knowing he can't see me, though.

He gravitates to the opposite end of the stage and dances to his song, making me smile, and it makes butterflies roam in my stomach. The crowd cheers but I choose not to, I don't want to embarrass myself.

I clap my hand silently, or maybe it's making a sound. I mean it's pretty loud around here, so either way, it's going to be silent.

"She's an angel"

He starts walking back to the centre of the stage, him once again looking at me. 

He makes direct eye contact.

"My only angel"

I smile and wave a little before he returns it with a bigger one and turns back to the crowd.

I'm not going to ignore the fact he looks directly at me to sing that line. I feel like I'm floating, it's the best feeling in the world.

I look at his amazing and talented band. Sarah. I mean what can I say? I don't think drums is an easy thing to learn yet she can play it and also look amazing doing so.

Before I could carry on, I look at Harry as the song comes to an end.

He takes his arms and throws them in the air as he looks up and shakes his head as a rock star would do.

Then, the lights turn off.


"This song is for an amazing person who is here tonight. If you know the words, please do sing along." He says into the microphone.

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