Sleeping In...

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A/N: This one shot, is following back to my other one shot with Gohan during the book ages ago. So yeah, just to let you know I wouldn't spoil this update. For now...

(f/a)=favourite anime (besides DBZ)

The room was completely black. You were completely out like a light bulb. You kept on wriggling during your retirement. Even though the sun kept over powering the darkness in your room, you were still asleep. You were the heaviest sleeper in the family after all. (srry if you aren't. DX Just pretend.)

You swore, you heard different voices from the family to warn you to wake up during your heavy sleep. But you were just too powerful to be awaken from your dream. For now that is at least.

As you felt like taking air, soaring into the sky with a loved one. Your feeling just boosted with excitement.


"YAY!!" you cheered. As you kept floating in the air. Your brother just smiled, seeing you excited. "We're going to the theme park, We're going to the theme park!" you kept singing happily and Gohan chuckled at your excitement. Both of you were having a good excitement celebration that is. Until, words coming out of no where, screaming in the winds. "WAKE UP!!."

Your excitement levels dropped down as you recognize the voice of the command. "Goten, I was just having a good sleep" you grumbled pouting, covering yourself up with your (f/a) blankets.

"Sorry, (y/n) just to let you know that breakfast is ready," your middle brother replied as he rushed back into the kitchen to let everyone in the room know that you've awoken from your slumber.

Later on, you told Gohan about the dream you had, "that's a nice dream," your big brother responded.

"Yeah, that is until Goten the dream pooper, pooped it!" grumbled at Goten, as your middle brother sweat dropped.

Then Gohan and you took a trip to the theme park!. The end!. :)

A/N: ZOMG!!!. I updated late!!!. :0 Srry juys!. But just to let you know, that i'll updating slowly on this and yeah. Cause, I also want to write other one shots with other characters from other anime and yeah.

Plus, Thank you so much for 5,100+ reads!, 50+ comments! and 90+ votes!. :) Thank you for supporting me, as I write/type this!. Just I really appreciate this ton of support and I know i'm not alone, thanks!. :) Also, I feel like the same that I just don't people to be alone that I want to support other fan fiction writers in what they write and let them be the best the can be and to continue on with their amazing work that they've done and yeah. And Thanks for reading and i'll C U soon!. Bye!!!!. ^_^

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