Chapter 19

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While they headed to the last spot Harry's scar started to hurt.

"Ah!" He started to rub it tightly.

"Harry?" Tracey said.

He shook his head. When they got there they saw someone they weren't expecting.

"You." Harry said. Then he turned around.

"Yes, it does seem tight doesn't it. But then again who would have expected p-poor s-s-stuttering Professor Quirrell?"

"But that day, during the quidditch match, Snape looked like he was trying to kill him!" Tracey said.

"No dear girl, I tried to kill him! And if Snape hadn't been hit by fire and broken my eye contact I would have succeeded! Even with Snape muttering his little counter-curse." Quirrell said.

"Snape was, trying to save him." Tracey said.

'I told you we could trust him.' Harry said.

"Then, then you let the troll in?" Harry said.

"Very good Potter yes. Snape, of course wasn't fooled. While everyone else went to the dungeon he went to the third floor and had me off! He, of course, never trusted me again. But he doesn't understand, I'm never alone, never."

He turned around and looked at the mirror.

Harry winced and rubbed his scar. He tightened up his occlamency also.

"Now, what does this mirror do? I see myself holding the stone, but how do I get it?" Quirrell asked.

"Use the kids." Someone said and Harry and Tracey looked around.

"Come here Potters, now!" So they walked over to him and waited.

'Make a fake picture. I'm an occlamence so I'm all set.' Harry said.

'I'll try, but he's a really strong legilimance.' Tracey said.

They looked at the mirror. Harry saw himself holding the stone and so did Tracey.

"Well what is it, what do you see?" he snapped.

"I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore, I've won the house cup." Harry said.

He waited for an answer but got nothing.

"And you?"

"I see beating Ron at a game of chess." Tracey said.

"She lies." Someone said.


"Let me speak to them."

"Master you are not strong enough."

"I have strength enough, for this."

So he started to unwrap his turban. They looked at each other and then looked back and saw him.

"Harry and Tracey Potter, we meet, again." Voldemort said.

"Voldemort." Harry said.

"Yes, see what I've become? See what I must do to survive? Live off another, and be a parasite! Unicorn blood can sustain me, but it can not give me a body to my own. But there is something that can. Something that conveniently enough, lies in your pocket."

They started to turn around and run. "Stop them!" Voldemort said and Quirrell snapped.

"Don't be fools, why suffer heretic death, when you can join me, and live?" Voldemort said.

"Never!" they yelled together.

"Hahahaha, bravery, your parents have it to! Tell me Harry, Tracey, do you want to see your mother and father safe?" They looked at each other. "Together, we can protect them. All I ask, is for something in return."

Harry started to take the stone out.

"That's it Harry, Tracey, there is no good and evil, there is only power. And those to weak to seek it. Together, we'll do extraordinary things. Just give me the stone." Voldemort said.

They looked at each other again. "YOU-" Harry started.

"LAIR!" Tracey finished.

"Kill them!" Voldemort yelled.

So he came and jumped on Harry who dropped the stone.

"No! Harry!" Tracey said.

Before she could do anything she was unconscious after being kicked hard.

Harry tried to call her but couldn't talk. So he used their connection instead.

'Trace? You OK?' he got no answer.

Then he put his hand on Quirrell and suddenly his hand started to burn.

"Ahh! What is this magic?"

"Fool! Get the stone!" Voldemort yelled.

Harry looked at his hand and then put both of them on his face.

"Ahhh!" Quirrell yelled while Harry fought the pain in his scar.

Then he finally let him go. Quirrell tried to move but was still falling apart. When he was gone Harry picked up the stone and then ran to Tracey.

Suddenly something came and went through him.

"Ahhh!" he yelled while he started to fall and pass out himself. But before he did he heard something.

"Harry! Tracey!"

Then he was gone.

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