Chapter 10

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The next day they got a reply from their parents.

Dear Harry and Tracey,

                                              You're right, I am terrified. As for your dad and uncles, their thrilled. So you be careful Harry. I really am proud Harry, same with Sirius. Also you really can trust Severus, he may not like how much Harry looks like your father, but should know how much like me you are. As for your scar Harry, you really should tell Dumbledore. He has an idea of what makes it hurt but isn't completely sure right now. Hopefully he can at least tell you a bit of what he thinks. Well that's about it here see you for Christmas!

                                                                                                  Mum and Dad

They smiled.

"Told ya you should go to Dumbledore." she said.

"Next time it starts to hurt I will, deal?" he said sticking his hand out.

"Deal." she said shaking hands.

Before they knew it it was Halloween. Harry was sitting next to Ron and Tracey. Harry looked around for Hermione but didn't see her. After charms Ron had been talking about Hermione and then she heard him and hurried away from them.

"Where's Hermione?" he asked.

"Lavender said someone saw her in the bathroom all afternoon crying." Neville said.

Harry and Tracey stared at Ron who just shrugged. Suddenly the great hall door opened.


Everyone stared at him and Dumbledore and McGonagall stood up and stared at him.

"Thought you oughta no." he said then passed out.

Everyone started yelling.

"SILENCE!" Dumbledore yelled.

Everyone stared at him.

"Now, prefects will lead their house, back to common rooms, teachers will follow me to the dungeon."

So they all did as told while Snape turned around and left.

While they hurried to their common room Harry remembered something. He pulled Ron and Tracey outside.

"What?" Ron asked.

"Hermione, she doesn't no!"

So they started running to the bathroom. When they got there they hid behind a door.

"It's going into the girls bathroom." Harry said.

Hermione was just about to leave the bathroom when she saw something and looked up. It was a troll.

"HERMIONE MOVE!" Harry yelled when they got there.

So she started running while Harry, Ron and Tracey threw wood at him.

"HEY! Pea brain!" Ron yelled and threw another piece of wood.

It looked up and then yelled and aimed for Hermione.


Then she went underneath a sink.


Harry grabbed his wand and grabbed it's club. When he got there he started shaking and then his wand in its nose. Then it grabbed Harry and made him go down.

"Do something!" Harry yelled.

"What?" Ron asked looking around.

"Anything!" Tracey said.

He took out his wand.

"Swish and flick!" Hermione reminded him.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" he yelled.

Then the club stopped and he looked up. Then the club fell and hit his head. "Cool."

When it was on the ground Hermione stood up. "Is it, dead?" Hermione asked.

"I don't think so, just knocked out." Harry said and took his wand. "Ulgg, troll bogies."

Suddenly McGonagall appeared in shock.

"Oh my goodness, explain yourself all three of you."

"Well, what it is-" Harry, Ron and Tracey started together.

"It's my fault Professor." Hermione said. Harry, Ron, and Tracey looked at each other in shock.

"Ms. Granger." McGonagall said shocked.

"I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. If Harry, Tracey and Ron hadn't come and find me, I'd probably be dead. " she said.

"Be that as it may, it a foolish thing to do. Five points from Gryffindor." She looked at Harry, Tracey and Ron. "As for you three gentlemen and lady, "Well not many first years could have taken on a full-grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale!"

They looked down for a second. "Five points," They looked up. "Will be rewarded to each of you."

They smiled and McGonagall looked at Snape.

"First year dumb luck!"

Then they left.

"Perhaps you oughta go, the mountain might wake up haha." Quirrell said.

So they headed to the common room to finish dinner.

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