Chapter 20: England

Start from the beginning

I took out mine and Millie's bags from the compartment and handed her bag to her arms and she let out a 'thank you'. We stepped out of the plane and to the England air.

Millie took a deep breath once we set foot on the ground, "Ahhh... it's good to be home again," She spoke rather pleased.

Chuckling, I gave a response, "I thought your reaction would be more exaggerated than that, like that one thing the cartoons do... They kiss the ground..." I whispered the last part in a jokingly whisper, as if telling a really deep secret.

She nudged my shoulder in fake annoyance, rolling her eyes that just made me laugh in response. We continued our way inside the airport and out of the building.

We stood on the side with our bags beside us, waiting for our cab. It finally came and we threw our bags in the trunk then we sat inside the backseat of the car.

The car made it's way to the road after Millie told the driver her home's destination. "So when we get there, we're most likely surprising them considering I hadn't even metion I'm coming home." She informed.

I nodded my head in agreement, "Yeah, I wonder how they'll react,"

"They'll mostly be surprised I supposed, for sure." She interjected.

We kept silent for the rest of the ride, "What time is it?" I asked after we pulled over her house.

She looked down on her phone that was on her hand the whole ride, "It's 6:00 AM" She answered.

'It's pretty early... I want to sleep.' "Oh okay.". I pulled out my wallet then paid the driver. We got out the car then took out our bags from the trunk.

Millie lead the way to her house while I followed behind her. She rang the doorbell of the two story house. A faint 'coming' was heard then footsteps before the door opened to the friendly smile of Kelly Brown.

Her smile quickly turned to a surprised expression, "Oh my- hello!" She excitedly said looking at both me and Millie.

"Hello mama," Millie greeted.

"Hi Mrs. Brown," I greeted shooting her a friendly smile.

"What brings you guys here?" She curiously asked after engulfing us both in separate hugs.

"I just heard about Paige leaving for college and Finn here..." She pointed at me, "Decided to drag me to the airport to say my goodbye to Paige and to meet you all again cause I missed you." Millie explained.

"Yes Paige is leaving... but that was really sweet of you to do Finn, knowing Millie always needs a bit more convincing." She said the last part to me.

"She does so that's why I'm here," I grinned.

Then she moved to the side of the door, "Oh how rude of me, come in!" Millie first came in and I followed suit, noticing the homely atmosphere floating in the air.

Mrs. Brown closed the door behind her before calling up the stairs, "Paige! Ava!, Millie and Finn are here!"

Footsteps were heard then came down Ava and Paige still in their pyjamas, looking like they just woke up. "Oh my gosh! Finnie!" Ava screamed excitedly running to me while I crouched down on my knees, placing my bag on the side of me on the floor and opening my arms, preparing myself for the impact.

She crashed into me wrapping her small arms around me and I hugged her back, a small laugh escaping my lips. "How bout' me?" Millie suddenly piped in faking an offended tone.

I stuck my tounge out at her, hugging Ava tighter in response, "I've seen you last month, I haven't seen Finnie in so long. So wait for awhile, I'm stealing Mikey for awhile." Ava's high pitched voice reasoned and I can't help but let a giggle leave pass my lips.

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