Chapter 12: Sick

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Millie's pov:

I just found out about Finn being sick this morning, when Matt announced Finn can not join filming this monday.

I'm with the rest of the cast right now filming some scenes. "Millie you're done for the day" Shawn announced after I filmed the scene.

"Okay, thank you!" I spoke happily heading out the set and to the makeup trailer so I could give back the costume.

I changed into my earlier's clothes and got all my stuff so I can get going. "Bye guys!" I called out to the cast, considering they're 2 trailers away.

I heard them say their farewells back and I went to the way out the set. I called a cab that was on the street and I got in.

'Should I visit Finn? and see if he's alright' I contemplated if I should go or not, but at the end I just told the driver the complex name and I'm headed there now.

Opening the door I thanked the driver after paying him and I walked passed the glass door of the complex.

I pressed the floor button of the elevator and I'm going up there now. I arrived at the floor with a small ding and I walked out of the square room.

I knocked on the door three times. "Finn it's Millie" I called out hoping he would hear.

I heard a soft 'I'll be there'. The door swung open and I am met by a messy haired, pail boy looking at me.

"Hey Mills, what you doing here?" He asked curiously and I noticed the raspiness of his voice.

"I'm just here to check if you're alright" I smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine" He said.

I signaled to go in but Finn stopped me "What?" I questioned raising a brow.

"I disagree you to go in here and spread my virus to you and make you badly sick" He sternly stated crossing his arms over his chest.

I rolled my eyes "That's why I'm here to help you get better" I pointed out and he sighed.

"Mills, it's fine. It would be a disaster if you got sick to" He calmly stated.

"But you would take care of me too, if I got sick right?" I questioned and he stayed silent.

He let out air "Of course I would take care of you if you we're sick"

"Then let me do the same now" I grinned. He groaned and I know I won this little banter.

I entered and what caught my attention was all the used tissue's inside and around the bin that was beside the couch on the living room.

"Sorry it's a bit of a mess in here" He apologized going beside me.

"Nah it's not that messy, beside those" I pointed at the bin.

He chuckled and we both made our way to the living room. He picked up the used tissue's from the floor and put them in where the other's are and put it aside.

"Why do feel sick all of a sudden?" I questioned sitting down the couch.

"Not really sure, but it's not something new actually. I usually get dehydrated often and I know you know that" He shrugged.

I do remember the times he get's sick or not feeling well, it happens pretty often actually. I remember the time when me and all of the cast was having a sleepover and the next day he was literally so pale and he couldn't stop puking.

"Yeah I know that you sick boy" I smirked.

"Never call me that again." He said flatly sitting next to me.

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