Chapter 14: Spirit

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Finn's pov:

My eyes widened at what I saw infront of me... It was the same glowing silhouette of a reindeer from my dream but instead it wasn't a dream.

The light illuminating from it covered all of the space in the bedroom as I sitted up backing away till my back hit the head board as it got closer to me.

It climb the bed like a lightless feather as it didn't seem to leave marks of footprints to the soft layer of comforter spread all over the bed.

'Hello Darling' It's soft feminine voice echoed around the room.

"What are you? and what do you want?" I asked trying to not waver my voice.

'I'm a spirit sweetheart, And I don't want anything. I just need to see you' It calmly stated.

"Why?" I asked totally dumbfounded.

'You'll find out soon Finn'

"What will I find out? please tell me" I said practically pleading. I couldn't take it anymore everyone just keeps giving me hints that I totally don't get and it's making me insane.

"And who even are you? why are you talking to me?" I added in.

'I'm... Maria, I needed to tell you that your life is in danger and everyone you care for. Feed your powers to it's max and fend those you love' Maria stated sternly but softly.

"Fend those I love? Is this connected to Delmi and the king, Jeloma mentioned?" I questioned.

'Do you think it is?'

I thought for awhile. "Yes"

'Follow your instincts Finn for they will lead you to greatness' At that she disappeared in a blink like it never happened before. Did it even happen? or I was just hallucinating.
I couldn't sleep after the strange encounter with a spirit, so here I am on my balcony. Sitting at one of the chairs staring straight at the view of the night sky with a cup of tea in hand.

Sipping the cup of tea I stared blankly ahead, lots of thoughts in my head making me have a headache 'I think it's best to give up Harry Potter'

Stressed is what I am right now, and I don't think I can handle another project coming up. I'll try to figure out how to get back to Delmi as to what Jeloma say's it. I juat have a feeling I need to get back there, it's like a voice in the back of my head telling me.

I don't know why, but everytime the reindeer spirit approaches me, it almost feels like it's comforting and at the same time terrifying.

Shaking my head I stand up going in, locking the sliding door behind me and put away the now empty cup and grabbed my black hoodie.

I don't know where I'm going but somehow my feet know's where to go. It almost seem's like I'm walking down the sidewalk for ages.

I eneded up into the oh so familiar frontyard. Millie's house.

Hesitantly going up her front door, I raised my finger ready to ring the doorbell. 'She must be sound asleep by now'

Walking away from Millie's house... 'Fuck it' I fastly walked to the front door and quickly pressed the doorbell button, before I could even back out.

'oh shit.' Standing in front her door like an idiot, waiting for a somekind of sign that she know's a presence is on her doorstep.

Moments later I heard footsteps coming nearer from the other side. The door swung open and I am met by Millie with a purple mask covering her face, a headband and wearing a fuzzy set of pajamas.

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