Capter One - How did We Get Here?

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"Get back here right this instant!" The green man yelled after me in the dark halls I was running through.

I ignored his demand and turned a sharp corner in the labyrinth like halls in an attempt to throw him off of my trail.

It didn't work, at least, not for long.

The feared man turned the corner and his boots thymped loudly on the blackstone beneath them.

'He's too fast. . .' I thought, 'He's going to catch up to me. He even knows this place a whole lot better-'

My thoughts were cut off by someone grabbing me from being, I knew who it was though.

"Let go of me!" I hissed, getting my magic ready.

"Maybe I would've let you go if you hadn't ran," He paused, "Hell, if you had done that, I wouldn't have even been chasing you. All you did was make it worse for yourself."

He started walking, but not the way we had come.

"Where the muffin are we even going?!" I screeched, he winced, probably because I hurt his ears.

He didn't respond.


He only chuckled.

Hey guys!

I'm sorry that this chapter was so short, J have a lot more ideas, but this seems like a good place to stop, for now.

I'm also going to try to update this book weekly. At least biweekly.

See you all next time! I love you all!

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