Come and Meet Us

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On the twenty-third of December, 1985, Will and El took the Greyhound down to Hawkins for Christmas break since Jonathan couldn't get off work and drive them. When they arrived at the bus station in Indiana, Mrs. Wheeler picked them up and drove them back to the Wheeler's house. It was nine in the evening by the time they got to the house, the moon shining bright in the dark sky.

"Thanks for picking us up, Mrs. Wheeler," Will said as they stepped through the front door into the foyer, bags in hand. El followed close behind.

"It's no problem at all," Karen said, shutting the door and taking Will and El's coats. "We're all just happy to see you both." She took a step up the stairs and called, "Mike! Your friends are here!" She paused when no one answered. "Michael!"

When there was still no answer, Karen let out a sigh. "I don't know what he's up to, but I'm sure he'll be excited to see you. Why don't you unpack and get ready for bed? Nancy's up in her room."

Will and El take their bags and head upstairs. He opens the door to Mike's room, peering inside. "Huh. He's not here."

El frowns. "He forgot we were coming?"

"Maybe? I don't know. I thought he'd be happy to see us."

The door to Nancy's room opened, and Nancy looked over at them. "Oh, hey. Looking for Mike?"

Will and El nodded.

"Hm. Yeah, I haven't seen him all day." She motioned to the bags in El's hands. "I can take those, and we can set up your bed."

While El followed Nancy into her room, Will stepped into Mike's. It still looked the same as every other time he'd been in there. Mike was nowhere to be found though. Will set his bags down by the bunkbed and sat on the bottom bunk. He wasn't sure what to expect from Mike. After Thanksgiving, they spoke a couple times, but the calls became scarce, especially from Cerebro given that the weather grew colder and the Party didn't want to hike all the way up the field in the snow. Will tried his best to keep calling, but two weeks after Thanksgiving, Will had a run-in with El's bullies, trying to get them to stop messing with her, and now, they were after the both of them. With adjusting to school and dealing with the bullies, Will barely had the energy to answer a call.

After changing into his pajamas and brushing his teeth, he curled up in the bed and drew a picture of the Party in his sketchbook. He wasn't sure what their plan for the break was. During Thanksgiving, Mike mentioned a new D&D campaign and going ice skating. Was that still their plan or had everyone forgotten?

The lead of his pencil snapped. He let out a frustrated sigh. Not wanting to sharpen his pencil, he stuffed it and the sketchbook back into his bag. Taking out his new Walkman – which Jonathan gave him as a gift yesterday – he laid down on the bed, put on his headphones, and pressed play. "Bad Moon Rising" by Creedence Clearwater Revival began playing, and he stared up at the bunk above him.

He was drifting off to sleep, eyelids growing heavy, when he heard footsteps thump up the stairs. The door to the room flung open, and Mike barreled inside, halting at the sight of Will.

Will sat up and met Mike's eyes. Taking off his headphones and putting them around his neck, he gave Mike a smile. "Hi," he said, standing up.

Rubbing his eyes with the back of his hand, Mike swung the door closed and took a step forward, swaying on his feet. "Hey, sorry... I forgot what day it was."

Will laughed, furrowing his eyebrows. "Okay?"

"No, it's just-" Scrunching up his face, Mike waved his hand in the air. "We haven't... talked... for a while."

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